Toe Fungi Revisted


Please help me forum friends on what the best tip was to get rid of it.
Thanks for your help.

I remember vick's vapor rub to help but I am thinking Epson Salt.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I plan to get back to working out once I graduate with my MBA.
I read once that a good idea is to keep a little pump container of soft scrub with bleach in the shower, and scrub the footsies (especially around the toes) with it a couple times a week with a toothbrush or something.

It's supposed to exfoliate and protect at least against bacteria and fungi. I don't know about treating it though. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while now. I don't have any fungi problem, but I get wicked calluses all the friggin time. Even the ped egg is no match for my amazing big toe callus.

Anyway, hope this helps! And congrats on the MBA!
My neighbor, who is the wife of a podiatrist, says her husband recommends soaking the affected area in a solution of Clorox and water. I'm not sure of the ratio of water to Clorox, however.
You could try all these wonderful home remedies but keep in mind none of them work. Been there, done that. See a podiatrist (except for those who recommend sticking your feet in Clorox)! I had issues with my toenails and my podiatrist chopped those suckers right down (thankfully I first started going in January) and I apply Naftin cream to my nails twice daily (this worked for me) and my nails have grown back in clear and healthy (and I also make very effort to keep my feet nice and dry).

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