Today is...


Today is my Mom's 65th Birthday! She is in Arizona and I'm in Wisconsin. I miss her everyday. She was the first one to get me interested in fitness back in highschool. I was athletic (basketball,cheerleading,track) but didn't exercise regularily til she asked me to walk with her. Well, what started out as"Do I have to?" from me, became "Come on Mom! Let's Go!" We walked everyday about 2-3 miles . We talked about everything. I miss those times. She taught me how to eat healthy,take care of myself and be a good parent. I just wanted to share some of her with you on her Birthday! :D Susan
Happy Birthday to Mom and best wishes for many more! My mom is 60 and a die-hard walker also. She lives in PA and I live in FL so we only get to walk and talk about twice a year, but I too cherish those times and wish we didn't live so far apart.

Happy Birthday to your Mom! :) My Mom is 71 and as soon as she gets her hip replaced next month, I hope to get her walking with me so I can keep her around for as long as possible.
Send your Mom a "happy birthday" from all of us! :)

Happy Birthday to mom...I know how important my mom was to me...she passed away in May of 1995, 4 months before my wedding..She will always be in my heart....Mom's are so special!!
Happy Birthday to mom...I know how important my mom was to me...she passed away in May of 1995, 4 months before my wedding..She will always be in my heart....Mom's are so special!!
Hi Susan....

...a VERY belated Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! How lucky you are to have one that taught you something very special.(health & fitness!) I lost my Mom in an auto accident at the young age of 43 and miss her sooo much. Call your Mom and tell her how much you think of her & how special she is to you. Sending her a big birthday hug.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Susan....

Tell your mom Happy Birthday for me. It sounds that you both are very close and I am sorry that you are so far away.

I am in Wisconsin too! I live in Pewaukee. What part do you live in?
RE: Hi Susan....

Hi there. I am just west of Appleton(30mn). We are in
a small town called Fremont(pop.671:)) We live out in the country so it's nice and quiet and secluded. I don't have any neighbors that can see me exercising like a maniac
in my living room! ;-)
Is Pewaukee outside of Milwaukee? Glad to see a fellow Wisconsite on here! Susan

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