To SomeGurl.......


I read your other post and although I don't know if you're "on the level" or not, that's not for me to judge. So, if you're interested, I have a pair of Reebok 5# weights (2.5# each) that I'd love to send you to get started with.

If you'll email me at [email protected] and leave me your full name and mailing address, I'll box them and pay for the shipping myself.

I'm far from "rolling in $" but I know how I felt when first starting out, and I didn't want to use soup cans either. :)

At this point, the only weights I don't use are these, I use all my others. :)

And I'm really not worried too much about getting "played" by this because I live by the rule, "it's the good you do for others that shines back on you!" So I hope you are who you say you are, but if not, enjoy the weights anyway, because what's most important is that God knows where my heart was when I sent them.

I'll look for your email :)

Another idea!

Somegurl~Not sure if you have any Goodwill stores nearby??? I got a set of 8's, 10's & 12 pound hexagon DB weights that were brand new there! AND, they only cost me around $4 for all 3 sets!!! Talk about a bargain!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Another idea!

Which one did you go to???!!!! I want to run right over and see if they have any good jeans I can wear since mine got too BIG!!!

Just Do It! :)
RE: On their way................

being the busybody that I am, I'm glas you posted that her weights are on the way. I wondered if she contacted.

Glad to know she did & that you did. That was very nice of you.
Awwww shucks..................

You guys make me blush! :)

I just believe in "giving back" when I can and where I can. It's not often I can do much, so when the opportunity is there, I try!

Worldly situations like 9/11 and the sniper situation in DC-MD-VA keep me mindful of how fortunate I am to have my loved ones and how much our world needs to come together in unity. We are so divided and getting worse year by year.
If a gesture this small (in the grander scheme of things) can bring some joy and happiness to another, I'm happy to have played a part. :)

It's no different than what you guys do for me every day, and have done over the last year. Your generous words pulled me out many a black hole and kept me going. We're all there for each other one way or another! :)

SomeGurl - are you also posting on other threads w/ different emails?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-02 AT 00:03AM (Est)[/font][p]To SomeGurl,

Are you the same person who also posted on the Joyce forum and Firm Ya Ya forum but with the names Naty and ccluvsbsb. There are also different emails for all 3 requests (Joyce, Ya Ya, and Cathe):

See Joyce thread:

See Firm ya ya thread:

All threads have PWEEZE! All threads are almost identical except for the starting videos.

If you are or are NOT this person, then just say so! I don't like people to be taken advantage of, especially when they're just trying to be kind.

So, what's your answer? Are these other people (who either live in Oklahoma or Alabama) you?

RE: SomeGurl - are you also posting on other threads w/ different emails?

Just to let you all know this person copied my post from the YAYA board and put it on this and another board. My exact same post I might add.

I am seriously upset about this situation because it makes me look bad.

Also notice how 'SomeGurl' hasn't even replied to the thread.

I really don't appreciate this.

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