To CK "HumanHair" from Annette


Hey, Caroline! I replied to you on the Brag Board thread on your latest response, but I wanted to make sure you saw this:

Re cardio after your foot surgery: have you given any thought to aquajogging after your surgery AND after your doctor has given clearance for your feet to be submerged in water? Aquajogging is totally non-impact, and can work your leg and trunk muscles in a very different way than on land, and you can get a good mid-range cardio workout if you do it properly. I would hate to think you have to give up cardio completely during your recovery, especially if you enjoy it so.

Lemme know if you're interested, and I'll give you as much info as I know!


(They don't call me "Aquajock" for nothin'! Well, actually I'm the only one who calls me "Aquajock".)
Caroline Knorr
That's a great idea, Annette. It never occurred to me to get in the pool for aqua-jogging. I'll see if my Y has classes. I took aqua-aerobics years ago, but I understand a lot has changed in the world of water-fitness. I would definitely appreciate any other info. you have. My personal email is : [email protected]. Thanks for your help and support!

By the way, the doc said I could do a stationary bike for cardio while I'm recuperating, but I want to have lots of options.

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