To Cathe/SNM - Diversity in your Videos


Valerie Majors

I know this could possibly be a touchy situation, but if VF’s Forum ever goes back up you can read it that it was handled with the respect and delicacy that it deserves.

There was an interesting thread on VF last week about Diversity Among Instructors. It was pointed out that The Firm, CIA’s, Kathy Smith, Janis Safell, Reebok, Christi Taylor, and just about every other Video Star making videos, that they all utilize People of Color (Diversity) in their videos.

But in Cathe Friedrich’s videos this was noticeably not the case. In fact it was quite obvious that there were NO People of Color in your videos.

Someone mentioned that this was asked of you before (about including Diverse Instructors in your videos) and you answer was something to the effect of “using members that live near the club who can make the rehearsals..”.

Now since 6 of the 8 videos you are putting out are Weight related and don’t require learning excessive complicated steps. And since Mercedes must be replaced due to her pregnancy. Is there a chance that we will see People of Color in any of your new videos? To reflect the diversity of people who actually buy your new videos.
Trying Not to Step on any Toes Here!

This is such an "uncomfortable" thread, I'm not even sure why I'm responding. I just feel that I didn't want to sit quiet like I usually do, when I read something like this.

If Cathe is going to make sure "people of color" are in her videos, then she should make sure that there are "people of different religions". As a matter of fact, we should step further into this. Possibly make sure we have "people of different hair color", "people of different heights", maybe even "people of different morals". "People of different shoe size"???

This is where no matter what Cathe does, she's basically screwed. If she goes out of her way to get "people of color", then she better go out of her way to get a Chinese person, she better make sure not everyone has brown eyes, because you know us blue-eyed people are going to be pissed! I know these are poor examples, but I'm just trying to get my point across in this matter.

I think we all need to "relax" a bit. I hope I'm not going to get any "hate" mail about this, I just felt the need to respond.
Your Response is a Little Over the Top

Please reread my post. I never said Cathe should "go out of her way to include persons of color" nor did I say "make sure she includes them". Nor did I say anything about Chinese, Japanese, etc. Just the blanket term "People of Color". I pointed out the obvious that Persons of Color were sadly lacking in Cathe videos. And wanted to know if there was a "chance" that we would see more Diversity in Cathe videos as we see with all the other Video Stars out there.

This is not a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" thread.

I was hoping the ridiculous statements such as "blue-eyed or brown-eyed" wouldn't belittle the effect of this question.

Let's just all wait and see what Cathe/SNM has to say about this subject before anyone else jumps the gun. And give this serious topic it's respect and due.
Hi Valerie!

Yes, there is always the possibility of seeing a diversity of people in our film crew. However, I would never include nor exclude a person because of their skin color and/or gender. This is not even something I think about when selecting cast members. I choose the people from our gym that I feel are the most dependable, responsible, available, and most importantly, can do the best job. The reason that I prefer to select volunteers from our gym is because it gives me an opportunity to seek out "potential cast members" and see how they move, grasp material, demonstrate enthusiasm, and get an overall feeling for their potential filming personality. If I see the right person for the job, and they have a very flexible schedule, then they get the part, regardless of race, color, gender.

Ironically this post comes at a very interesting time. Last week not only did I ask two new people to be in the videos, but they are two men and one is of color. I wanted to keep our new cast members a surprise as we are having fun slowly releasing the details of the videos, but after this post, I certainly did not want their appearances to be discounted since they are two men certainly worthy of the position based on their hard work and abilities. Now that I had to disclose some of the details prematurely, it is also important to point out that things can happen between now and then in which a cast member has to be replaced(family emergencies, injuries, etc.) For this reason we don't like to release too many details too soon. But I found it necessary in this case. Thank you for listening.
To Cathe

I know this was a "potentially" touchy subject. You handled this exactly as I had hoped. Just to reiterate, I certainly don't want you to include People of Color just "solely" based on that reason. But to "try" and include a Diversity of People in your future videos as reflected by Video Buyers.

It looks like you have the matter well in hand. I truly appreciate your response and have gained even more respect for you based on your response.

Happy Stepping!
All Right!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-15-00 AT 03:31PM (EST)</font></center>

Some more tid bits about the videos!! You just keep making it harder Cathe to wait on these videos! It will be fun to see some males join in on all the fun. Thanks for sharing with us. (Hey Trevor, what do you think now that you won't be bombarded by all us females!! Hee-Hee!)
Hi Cathe!

I've been thinking about this for the past couple of days and now I feel like I jusr have to say...I wouldn't want to be in your shoes! You have a bunch of women breathlessly awaiting your new videos (me included!) and you have all this pressure on you to listen and accomodate everyone to the best of your ability AND at the same time not disappoint and please us. Too much stress for me! Good luck with the videos, Cathe!!

Greetings from northern Sweden, Marcia
I don't think that's what Valerie meant....

at all. I think that including people of color, size, body composition, etc. enhances videos and makes them more "user friendly." For instance, I tend to identify more with Cedie than other cast members because she is short and blonde (like me). I would also like to see more over 40 cast members because I am over 40. I don't see one thing wrong with Valerie's question.
Now I'll get in trouble...

but I don't like men in videos -- especially if the leads are male. I would never buy a video with a man as a lead. It's just a personal preference of mine and I find I can better relate to females during workouts. Male cast members are o.k., if kept to a minimum and if they are able to keep up with the females.
No, no trouble for you...

I have to admit, Amy, that I've always been more comfortable with women in videos myself. Nothing against them or anything, but we all just don't seem to "move" the same way.

Anyway, also wanted to apologize if I sounded harsh in my posting before. I've been PMSing severely and, while that should be no excuse, sometimes I get a little bit carried away.

So, Valerie, forgive me????? I'll try to only write during the OTHER 3 weeks of the month!!!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-15-00 AT 10:02PM (EST)</font></center>

Most of the male leaders in fitness videos are terrible. Tony Little, Gilad, that Jake Dude (I'd like to smack him when he starts that "Old Abba Dabbas" crap). They are so patronizing and they sicken me. Hey, I'm not even PMSing and listen to me....

As for Richard Simmons, I consider him the "Liberace of Fitness Videos" -- remember how Liberace was really a virtuoso, but so flamboyant that noone took him seriously?

Anyway, I am a female chauvenist when it comes to men in fitness videos I just don't like men in my "world" -- aren't I awful? Men and women are different when it comes to working out, and I prefer gender-specific workouts. In other words, "No Men in my Locker Room" -- LOL

I like men and am glad they share the planet with females, but not during in my workouts. My husband and I share many things and have many common interests, but workouts are not one of them. He does his fitness things and I do mine.
Soo nice...

of you to take the time to post to Valerie. I am such a "worry-wart"! Valerie, you out there??
Some men are wonderful instructors.

Cathe, you are always a class act, and I'm not surprised at how well you handled this potentially explosive subject.

As for men in fitness videos, I welcome them. I love Andre Houle, Jay Blahnik, and the G-Force among others. And what about Greg Twombly? If it weren't for him we wouldn't have so many wonderful videos, including most of Cathe's.
echoing Janes Comments

Definately a class act.

As far as men...YES! I think it is going to be awesome and very inspiring to have men in the new videos! Coed training is fine with me and it would be great to give the guys out there that do Cathe someone to represent them in the videos.
The anticipation with these new vids just keeps growing

Men in videos

Well, I'm going to be totally shallow and say that the only men I like in videos are the totally pretty ones
. Personally, I love eye candy, so if a guy is going to be in the video, then he should fit that role.


you go girl! I'll dive down into the shallow trenches with ya and give you a cyber high five


to all those men. I don't even like Twombly's production -- it tends to be cheesy and yes, I know that he's responsible for Cathe's early productions. I just don't care for him or his productions. Of course, I don't know his budgetary constraints.....that probably accounts for a lot of his woeful productions.
No one has mentioned Billy Blanks

or Aaron Lankford! I would agree that some male instructors are less than inspiring, while others (Tracy James, anyone :) !) are mostly there for decor, but I find Billy Blanks to be tremendously motivating and I know there are a lot of other Tae Bo fans out there ...
Agree with ya, Jane!

I think there are many wonderful men instructors. While I can't wholeheartedly recommend Patrick Goudeau's cueing, I think he's an extremely motivating instructor. Lots of charisma! I also agree with Kimberly about Billy. Another very motivating instructor!

Gosh, maybe since Cathe's having men in some of her videos, I'll be able to get my husband to give them a try. Ya think?
Speaking of Mr. Blanks...

A person called my home the other day and asked me what I thought of Tae Bo. I said I didn't like it at all and that it is just not challenging for me. She said, "Even the advanced?" I said, "I traded it because I just don't like him or his style." She asked what I did use and I said Cathe Friedrich or the Firm -- no compromise on that one.

BTW, Tracy James is vomitrocious -- I used to think he was good looking (check out my comment on VF about the All Abs from the Firm), but now I realize that he's really terrible as a Firm "Guest Instructor" -- although those Parts "Guest Instructors" did nothing anyway.

I still don't like male instructors and have seen a lot of them. Something about them is so annoying and I just can't relate to them. It's a personal preference, I guess. I don't think I've ever seen or taken any instruction anywhere any better than Cathe, Susan Harris, or Tracie Long. They are hard acts for any instructor to follow, regardless of gender.

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