To all those that care...Creatine.....


HAS HELPED!!!!!!!!

Yes, I started supplementing with this awhile back and I think I can positively say now that I am feeling the positive effects. Did IMAX today, and while I still cannot do ALL the scissor thingies, I only left out 4 or so. Did all the plyo's except for a few. This is great progress for me.

Also, my poundages have gone up and my muscles really seem to be getting the pump, even if I am not leaner (don't really know for sure). I am currently doing S&H (my fav) but I really feel stronger. No water weight gain that I can see or measure, although I know they say your body weight will rise while on creatine....much of this is H2O, but also some muscle gain. I don't really want to gain at 137, just lose fat.

Some of you had been interested and I wanted to let you know the results. I do not supplement anything else except a few Vitalerts (Honeybunch got me on that one) every know and then. I am not really a supplement person but I think this one is worth it if strength and power are one of your main goals...

It takes my muscles longer to get the "burn" now, both when I am lifting and when I am doing those dreaded plyos in IMAX. That is COOL!! It takes about a month to kick in though as I did not load it and took approx. 5-10 g. per day. Now I will hold steady at 5 grams per day...

Hope it works for someone else..

Hi Janice!

I don't load either so it does take it a bit longer to kick in but it has been helping me too! :) On Sunday for instance, when I did Power Hour I was able to increase the weight on my barbell. Usually I'm pretty sore the following day but this time the soreness didn't come until the afternoon and come day 2 I was much better! As a matter of fact for cardio last night I was on the stepper and kept up a slightly fast pace for the full 30 minutes easily! :)

Which brand do you use by the way? I have the orange Cell Tech. It reminds me of Tang. It's a little strong to me so I use 10 oz. of water with one scoop versus 8 oz and one scoop. And the one scoop is half the recommended amount and I'm still noticing strength improvements!
Janice, thanks and please continue to keep us posted. I don't know if I can take creatine while I'm nursing, but I intend to try once I'm done. I don't think I'll ever get through those "scissor thingies" either. I don't think I can even get through half of them. I am very interested in the muscle development end of it. Thank you for being our guinea pig so to speak!!!! I too would like to know the brand your using. I would love some xtra power on those endurance workouts.

Guys have any of you noticed any weight gain since taking it? I'm going back on C1 on Body Rx next week and am considering adding it. This is the muscle building phase, but I'm worried about weight gain. I know some people do put on pounds from creatine...
Hi Mindi..

You can see I posted on your Body Rx website. Thanks for the warm welcome. I am having some technical problems signing in there ( I have a really hard time with this stuff sometimes:) I will post here for you to help if I cannot figure it out. I probably won't get to that till this weekend though...

Creatine has not made me gain weight. And the way I see it, even if it did, I would not care as long as it is in the form of water or muscle, which is what is supposed to happen. I care about the scale, but only about 20% :)

I feel more powerful and that is all it takes for me.If I can go harder and longer, it is all good.

I actual take the cheap stuff. I read a whole book on this before starting it, so I know some of the stuff you really don't need. Mine is the XRATED 99% Pure crystalline creatine. It is the best buy. I mix it with approx. 4 oz grape or orange juice and 4 oz. H2O. Seems to work fine.

Briee.. I think you will really like it. I am suprised to see that there is not more interest in this supplement on this site. It is really one of the few bodybuilding supplements that has been clinically proven to give results.

I will keep you updated for sure. Tommorrow is S&H Legs and PS floorwork legs so we will see!!!

OOps, sorry Mindi....

I weighed 3 pounds LIGHTER this AM. (Ok, it is probably H2O, but hey, you gotta take what you can get, right??)LOL....

Congrats Janice. :) Hey if you have any tech. troubles logging on or posting on the BRX board, I'll help if I can. If you can get to the board, on the left side, click on members, then on send an email to the managers. One of us can probably figure out why you're having trouble. Or else just tell me here, I check in when I can.

Glad to hear the creatine is working so far! I think I'll give it a try!

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