Hello all,
Just a few questions for anyone that has remained teaching during their pregnancies...
I teach BodyPump (like Cathe) and am wondering how you cope with the small breaks during the chest track where you have to get up for usually 4x8 counts and have stretch/reset/recovery, as you progress thru your pregnancy. I'm currently 25 weeks and finding the getting up part harder I usually rest the barbell on my shin and let gravity work its magic, but wondered if there was a different way...
Second question - has anyone done their own fetal monitoring as outlined by Dr Clapp in his book. He mentioned that you could learn to monitor the baby's HR - was wondering how I could do it as I'm still teaching Bodystep and at some points I go anaerobic, but I'm extremely quick to bring the intensity back down - just want to make sure that I'm not harming the baby by teaching so intensely (I've taught fairly much at the same level since finding out...).
Any feedback?
Liz N
Just a few questions for anyone that has remained teaching during their pregnancies...
I teach BodyPump (like Cathe) and am wondering how you cope with the small breaks during the chest track where you have to get up for usually 4x8 counts and have stretch/reset/recovery, as you progress thru your pregnancy. I'm currently 25 weeks and finding the getting up part harder I usually rest the barbell on my shin and let gravity work its magic, but wondered if there was a different way...
Second question - has anyone done their own fetal monitoring as outlined by Dr Clapp in his book. He mentioned that you could learn to monitor the baby's HR - was wondering how I could do it as I'm still teaching Bodystep and at some points I go anaerobic, but I'm extremely quick to bring the intensity back down - just want to make sure that I'm not harming the baby by teaching so intensely (I've taught fairly much at the same level since finding out...).
Any feedback?
Liz N