TiVo Subscribers--Exercise TV?

Lynn M.

Hey there-

Have any of you TiVo users taken a look at the exercise workouts you can download off of Exercise TV yet? I just found this on the TiVo menu and it looks pretty cool. You can download exercise workouts from various instructors for a workout and its free!

I didn't get to look through all of the offerings yet, but I did download a couple of ab workouts that looked interesting.

I don't know how challenging they will be, but its the right price and maybe I can learn some new moves just to keep things fresh.

I'm in the process of recovering from a nasty stomach bug, so once I'm better I plan on doing the workouts and checking out what else is on the menu and I'll post what I find.

Take care, Lynn M.
I have Exercise TV with cable, don't know if it is the same thing. Anyway I was really excited at first...now, not so much. Mostly what they have now is a portion of various exercise videos. Then they advertise to get you to buy the whole video if you liked the workout. I was really disappointed once I started watching the workouts. The upside is I did get to try one of the videos I was considering buying and found out before I bought it that it was aweful. Anyway, if you do Cathe the videos are probably too easy for you.


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