Tips from RT alums


I thought it might be nice if those of us who have been to previous RTs could provide some tips to those who haven't been before (and maybe get some good tips from each other too!)

So here are a couple of ideas from me:

- The hotels are next door to a Kmart (assuming it's still there). So if there is anything that you forgot to pack, you can always walk over there to pick up a few things. (Might help put your mind at ease while packing.)

- I found a great way to meet new people last year: at every event and for every bus trip, I made myself sit next to a different person/people. It was my personal "rule" for the weekend. And yes, sometimes I felt a little shy about it, but everyone was so friendly, and all I had to say was "Where are you from?" or "How long have you been working out with Cathe?", and I made lots of new friends. I highly recommend it!

So let's hear from other RT alums with their tips and pointers!
Don't worry about trying to keep up during the workouts. It's not a competition so just go at your own pace and have fun. I was worried that others would see me mess up, but everyone is paying attention to Cathe, so no one cares if you miss a step or two.
I came up with another one: mark your belongings with your name. I left my towel behind at lunch, and I was able to get it back because I'd put my name on it.

A lot of cameras look alike, especially when they're lined up against the wall during a workout...having your name on yours will make it easier to identify!
So glad to see this thread. I had hoped some previous Rt'ers could give some advice. Do you all agreee about taking it easy at home with our WO's these last few days ? I am doing a pre-mix of stepblast tomorrow then maybe just some stretching. Thurs I will do 4DS LIS, Coremax & maybe some pilates. What do you think?

Thanks for your tips!! Very helpfull
You're welcome! I had hoped that more people would chime in with tips. Oh well...they must be busy packing!:p

I think you should do whatever workouts you're comfortable with. For me personally, I've been doing some cardio, but nothing too hardcore (no IMAXes). I'm also trying to baby my foot (plantar fasciitis) so it behaves over the weekend. (Crossing my fingers!!) I did legs yesterday, assuming that if I have DOMS today and tomorrow it will be gone by Thursday when I travel. (So far so good; legs feel fine right now.) If legs feel good today, I'll do one more cardio, if not I'll do upper body and/or core. Thursday will be a rest day, since I'll be traveling most of the day.
Hey Roadtrippers, I went last year and had the most awesome time so I just wanted to say, HAVE A BLAST GALS!!!! Tips? Hmm... Well I would recommend bringing the baby wipes for the "quick" clean-up after workouts, there are not many showers and last year some were not even working, the wipes were so much quicker and easier because they do have lots of changing cubicles(like a try-on room at a store). Also the only bathrooms are also upstairs in the shower and changing room so I advise using them well before the workouts, I found myself having to go at the step class but not wanting to take all the time to run upstairs and miss too much. ;) Well you are in for a most amazing weekend!! I wish all of you the best!! :D Sandy
I have been trying to come up with useful mind is drawing a blank...LOL I just wanted to say to any one who is nervous or concerned (especially coming alone) you have nothing to worry about. I was so nervous the first trip I almost cancelled but cathe and all the trippers were so nice, I had the best time!! Cathe truly makes you feel welcome. The classes are about fun, just go at your own one is judging you. Hope this helps!! Can't wait to meet everyone!!!!
My advice is the same as Tracy's. Just relax, go with the flow & enjoy! I know a lot of girls got pre-RT jitters but I promise you, there is absolutely nothing to be nervous about (unless you're afraid of flying, or driving in NJ, 2 very legitimate issues with which I cannot help :eek:). The fitness levels range from beginner to advanced, the women are of all shapes, sizes, ages & walks of life, & it is truly a bonding experience that you'll remember for the rest of your life.

Also don't freak about packing. NJ has more strip malls than you can count. If you forget something trust me, we'll find it for you. ;)
So just how tired are we going to be on Sunday when it's all over? Or are we going to be totally pumped up?

I really appreciate this thread and so glad that you did it for us. Can't wait to meet all of you!!!

well after reading the class line up probably unable to walk LOL just kidding We will be pumped for sure the energy in a live Cathe class is awesome it keeps you going

Oh! Good point! One very important tip: if you have not already, & if you still can, take Monday off! I promise you, you will need it! :p
Yeah, Sunday you're still running on adrenaline, but Monday it all comes crashing down around you. (Plus being a little depressed about it all being over:()

Using the bathroom when you have a chance is good is a bit of a walk upstairs, and you won't want to miss anything!
I flipped a little when I saw the line up!! :eek: Apparently I forgot to mention that I'm a solid 8 hours a night kind of girl!! I guess that's what coffee's for, huh? I better learn to like it.
These are all great tips. My biggest tip, after coming home from 2 road trips and wishing I had taken more pictures is - take LOTS of pictures!!! You really can't take too many. And make sure you let other people take pictures of you with your camera, so that you have pictures of yourself on the RT. Otherwise, you'll have no proof you were even there. ;)
The Party Pooper's view of the world:
I found myself running ragged....too long a day with too much crammed into it so if you're like me and need a little downtime, I recommend driving your own car (if you have one with you!) to the gym so you can leave when you need to (or make friends with someone who has their car). I plan to be cozy in bed watching a little Law & Order before the bus picks up everyone else at the gym party.

Personally, talks on fitness injuries made me feel like I was at a conference...and I already do two of those a year so if you are also conferenced out, you might bring a book, music, or walk over to Dunkin Donuts for a coffee break and skip the talks if you are so inclined.

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