time savers guilt

bunny girl

Active Member
I have been wearing out the new dvd's! They are great! However, until last night I have only been doing the time saver premixes. I work such long hours that by the time I get home around 7:00 I feel like I can only squeeze in 40 - 45 minutes max on a work out. Not because of the energy level (i am always reved up to do Cathe!) but because I just feel guilty spending an hour to an hour and a half working out. By the time I would get done in some situations it would be almost 8:30 and then I have family and pets to take care of, get ready for the day, then next thing you know it's time for bed.
So is it ok to only do the whole work out once in a while or am I really cheating myself? I have tried working out in the morning but in my case to spend an hour in the am, i would have to get up by 4am to have enough time to get ready to leave. Plus my stomach gets upset when I work out in the am as opposed to the afternoon.
Anyone else have "time saver guilt"?
Your schedule sounds like mine. I do the timesavers generally 1 or 2x a week, I try to get it so the longer workouts land on the weekends. I try not to be more than an hour during the week. By the time a shower is thrown in there I'm up to an hour fifteen minutes. If its a 75 min workout, then Its and hour and half and 830 or 9pm before I get to sit my butt down for the day. It also takes away from any family time, as my son goes to bed at 830. I've gotten over "timesaver" guilt, as I am still working out for a good 45 mins or so, instead of sitting on the couch.

I do still do the longer workouts during the week, just not everyday. Also my workout space happens to be by the computer and son's play space. So he will come down and play computer games or play with his toys while I exercise. Depending on what I am doing, we can talk a bit. It's actually easier for me to talk to him while I am doing cardio than weights. I need to concentrate for weight work. Then that also gives my hubby some alone time for himself.

I've also found that when I first get a new workout, sometimes it's a tad too tough to do all the way thru, but if I start with the shorter version and do that a few times, doing the whole workout gets much easier ("easy" as Cathe can be, I suppose :) ) So, no I don't feel guilty, and I think its good that you are doing what you can. I would just try to do the whole workout on the weekends or whatever your days off are.

Its best just to do what works for you and your life and family than to try to fit into what you think someone else thinks you should be doing. I think as long as you're making the effort to workout and are successful at even the 45 mins, you are way ahead of most of the population and are doing the right thing for you. It may take a little longer for you to notice changes in fitness and your body. But who cares if it takes and extra 2 wks or a month, you've got a whole life and you need some time for you and your family, too.

My 2 cents

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