Time change...aargh!!!!

I'm a first-time mommie to a beautiful 5-month old baby who was on the PERFECT schedule....until the time change! She was sleeping until 7:30 each morning, so I was able to get up at 6:30 (when my DH gets up for work) and get my Cathe workout in before little one got up. Now she's waking up at the time that I normally was getting up to do my workout. I was all ready to start getting up at 5:30 to work out, but my DH begs me not to, as this will no doubt wake him up before he really has to get up (and I do understand his frustration with that...he has an exhausting schedule).

My question is, do babies ever get adjusted to the time change on their own; and if so, how long does it take? Anyone else struggling with this?
ita w/ candra. youll be back to reg. routine soon!
i always hated too how dst messes up a babys schedule!:eek:
I'm a first-time mommie to a beautiful 5-month old baby who was on the PERFECT schedule....until the time change! She was sleeping until 7:30 each morning, so I was able to get up at 6:30 (when my DH gets up for work) and get my Cathe workout in before little one got up. Now she's waking up at the time that I normally was getting up to do my workout. I was all ready to start getting up at 5:30 to work out, but my DH begs me not to, as this will no doubt wake him up before he really has to get up (and I do understand his frustration with that...he has an exhausting schedule).

My question is, do babies ever get adjusted to the time change on their own; and if so, how long does it take? Anyone else struggling with this?

My little guy is 4.5 months, and like yours was on a pretty nice routine. This past weekend, we just kept him up late 2 nights to adjust things and throw off his little clock. It seems to have worked like a charm.
We added an extra nap on Friday and Sunday, and kept him up about 2 hrs later than we otherwise would. Now he's on his regular schedule again.

I got that advice from another forum that I frequent: www.mamasource.com. It's been invaluable with all kinds of issues - particularly as a first time mom.

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