Thyroid Test


Active Member
I see various posts regarding getting your thyroid tested. I just got my results back. The result was 4.7, and therefore, I was considered to have a "normal" reading. I was told a normal reading is between 0.4 to 5.5. Below 0.4 is considered Hyper- and above 5.5 is considered hypo-.

I remember reading a post where people got different interpretations from the same reading. Any advice or suggestions is appreciated.

Hi Lisa! I have symptoms of hypothyroidism and my TSH was last tested at 4.9. I haven't been back for a test since then because why bother when they treat the test and not the symptoms. (I'm a little bitter.) I had seen an article in which medical chemists said they thought the high side of normal for TSH was too high and that most people who felt good were at 2 or below. I'm suspicious of the "range" because I don't trust that they didn't include people who were hypo but didn't show it when they tested to find the range.

I'm sure you had the test for a reason and I hope you have better luck getting better than I've had.

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