Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live Subscribers:

This Thursday, April 2nd at 9:15am EST, we will be doing "Push Pull Total Body" Live.

This all strength workout will focus on the "push pull" concept. The beauty of the push pull concept is that it can accomplish more work in less time (therefore allowing you to move through your workout more quickly) because while one body part is working the opposing body part is resting.

Equipment needed for this workout:

A barbell that has the capacity to load up to 40 pounds (The barbells that I use in my DVD workouts have a big, medium and small plate on each side to total 40 pounds).

Various weighted dumbbells (l will be using 10's 12's and 15's)

A standard chair

A fitness mat
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Did this one this morning. LOVED it! Wow, you get a lot done in 41 minutes! This will be a favorite total body for me when I'm running low on time or want to add some cardio on later. Thanks Cathe! :)
I did this workout early this morning, too. It was a great way to kick start my day. I felt completely energized at the end. Nice little package. I had forgotten how the Push-Pull technique jams a lot of work into a short amount of time. One happy lifter here.

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