Three weeks of success


I am finally having the success that I have dreamed of. I've lost two pounds per week for three weeks straight.

I feel great. I'm exercising six days and enjoying great nutrition.

My goal is 24 more. In my fantasy, i will have gotten there by January 1st but I'm certainly flexible.


Tasting some success is sweet after all these years.
That's awesome! You should be so proud of yourself. I must say I am very interested in knowing how you are doing it so if you don't mind what does your workout schedule look like?

Congratulations again and keep us posted!:)

Hey Danna!!! Congrats on your success!!! It's beautiful that you are savouring the sweet taste of all of your hard work and commitment, you deserve it!!!! Thanks for sharing your joy:)

Take Care
I'm following the BFL schedule at a gym. I can't workout at home right now so I"m going to the gym at 5 am.

I'm doing interval cardio three times a week and then extra cardio when I can add it on. Three good weight training days a week.

The gym equipment really helps me hit my lats well and other exercises. Love that smith machine so i can push it on my squats!

Good work, Danna!!! Please tell me, what is different this time around? (I'm assuming that you've attempted weight loss before?).

Keep up the good work!
Danna, that is wonderful! Kudos to you for your dedication. I hope you continue to see the results you want and meet your goals. You are wise to flexible but I know you will get there because you are focused and willing to work hard! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Thanks guys.

Sandra, The difference is that this time I am writing down everything that I eat and how many calories. I'm keeping my calories between 1200 and 1500.

I have never done that before. I've always eye-balled it and of course grossly under-estimated how much I was eating. I always rationalized my eating habits and resisted food journaling. I've desperately wanted to be one of those people who could eat all they wanted. (Never going to happen!)

The other part that is different is that I have a very motivating goal out in front of me.

I joined the gym and met a trainer that I think would be very helpful for me. My husband said that if I were to food journal until the last day of December AND keep my calories at 1500 or less, I could have the personal training as a reward.

Boy am I motivated! Now that I'm having success, I'm even more excited.

Both my husband and I feel that having the trainer right now would be a waste of time considering that I hadn't ever mastered my nutritional goals and have stayed 40 pounds overweight for 10 years.

So. The plan is to get the food under control and train as best I can. If i can keep this up, I will have lost a lot of that weight. The personal trainer will be the icing on the cake and she will help me fine tune the rest.

I have spent many years reading fitness magazines, reading Body For Life, reading Dr. Phil's weight loss book, weight lifting books, and talking to people online to learn what i could. It has finally all come together.

Having a supportive environment to workout in has been invaluable, having the right motivating goal and the support and encouragement around me from others are all powerful tools to use.

Good luck to you

Thank you for all the details, Danna. I hope you are able to meet your goal and get your personal trainer! Who knows - by then you might be so into your healthy lifestyle that you won't need a trainer! I lost 72 pounds a couple of years ago, but have found the hardest part is to maintain that weight loss. I keep trying to kid myself that, since I workout so much, I should be able to eat as much healthy food as I want, with the occasional indulgence. Well, 10 pounds and 2 years later, I have finally accepted that I cannot eat as much as I want, be it cupcakes or carrots. I suppose an important part of weight loss success is accepting that we aren't part of that lucky few. Doesn't Dr. Phil say that? "You can't fix what your don't acknowledge"? It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and while I'll be eating dinner at a friend's house, I'll also be bringing along a spicy pumpkin pudding for dessert - my substitute for pie.

I applaud you on all your hard work. Staying the course over the holiday season can be very difficult. I look forward to reading your success story in January.

All the best,
Hi Danna...thank you for sharing your story with us...I found it very encouraging AND motivating. You go girl!

Can't wait to hear how it goes with your PT.

Take care,
I'm glad this is helping out. As I was reading your responses, I had a thought. I should share how difficult it has been to change behaviors. My biggest obstacle is myself.

After only one week, I was discouraged and despondant. I have to force myself to concentrate on only one day at a time. I have to force myself to calm down and focus on the baby steps. WE are working on long term here. Even though I have the requirement to food journal, I've personally decided to do the journal for a whole year.

I'm using the measuring tape and that is a big help. That showed results faster than the scale. Of course it feels good to feel my pants all saggy but seeing the number on the tape is encouraging.

I've got a big poster on my bedroom wall with my weekly measurements and my goal. My husbands stats are on it too since we are both doing this together. It is very motivating to see my chart and mark off the boxes for every week. We are taking pictures to track the progress.

I'm finding little rewards every week are motivating too. I go to the discount store and get a cute shirt to workout in.

My husband and I have a date every week and in the past we have always gone out and had dinner, go to a movie and eat treats. Now we go workout! It is a lot of fun and then we have a healthy light snack or meal afterward.

Of course, I have to have all treats out of the house and plenty of healthy stuff on hand. My favorite are the Knudson Cottage Doubles. They help me get my calcium in and they hit the spot.

Hope this helps.

>My husband and I have a date every week and in the past we
>have always gone out and had dinner, go to a movie and eat
>treats. Now we go workout! It is a lot of fun and then we have
>a healthy light snack or meal afterward.

I love this idea! Brilliant!
You know Sandra, my husband and I haven't ever been able to coordinate our efforts to lose weight until now. I've always felt alone when i was trying to workout.

it helps that my husband finally got sick and tired of the extra 40 he has packed on and is getting on the stick.

Did I tell you he is in a competition at work for $600? Whoever loses the most by Dec 30th wins. He is pushing it hard.

Now THAT'S motivation! Good for him! My husband took up road biking a couple of years ago, so we don't exercise together, but I have found that as a result he has become more interested in my workouts. He asks how I feel, makes comments about how hard I seem to be working, etc. It's nice to have him finally interested in something that I love so much.

Good luck to you and your husband!

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