Three More Things?


Well, I don't know about you guys but I found Shelley's thread to be a great source of comfort & I truly enjoyed the positive vibes. I also enjoyed hearing from people who don't post much. I hope they'll post again! I'm thinking we could do this every day, like a check-in...whoever feels like it can start it, & whoever wants to join in can. Are you up for it? So here goes,

1. I got a lovely PM from Shelley which made me feel so good. Thank you Shelley. You're a sweetheart.

2. Our dear Bobbi is back & feeling better. I missed you while you weren't around...don't do that again! :p

3. I am also thankful for our Mariangeles, who is a great source of inspiration & fun, & who is also a very good friend. Thank you for all your messages & kindness, you Workout Goddess!

4. Ok, I have to add a 4th because I am also so grateful for our beloved Den Mother, Debbie, & our dear Jes. They have both been a lifeline for me, and more warm & caring people cannot be found. Thank you're the best.

This is a great idea!!! Focusing on the positive...

1. I got two cavities filled yesterday, and it didn't hurt. (b/c I requested an extra shot of anesthesia lol)

2. Denise sent me a really nice email offerring to educate me about Shaklee products. (thanks Denise!)

3. My mother's friend Cheryle had a healthy baby boy named Edward on Monday.
okay here's mine!

1) My DH told me he loved me already today.:+ :) :D

2) My puppy was at my beside this morning waiting to greet me with endless love and affection as soon as I opened my eyes.:+

3) It's FRIDAY!!!! YEAY! :7

4) I have gotten a couple of totally unexpected and very nice emails from some awesome folks on this site congratulating me on quitting smoking. :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Oh I love feel good stuff! :7

1. My friend gave me and my son a ride to playgroup since we are without a car (in the shop).

2. My husband brought me roses the other day to make me smile.

3. Cathe responded to my post & it made me very happy how much she really tries to devote attention to as many people as she can.

TGIF and happy exercising everbody!!!

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
I enjoyed it too and it was nice to be reminded to THINK about the great things that we have.

Here are mine today (and it's early yet).

1. Both my boys were awake and out of bed before I left for work this morning.

2. My boys and I visited late Dh's grave last night, and because we didn't have flowers with us (it was a spur of the moment thing), we put out an M&M tube with a plastic bunny on top. It was cute.

3. I am meeting my boys for pizza today for lunch.

1. I finished reading this well-researched, eye-opening book by Ann Crittenden, after almost two months of continuous stopping because it has been so painful to read it. The book is The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least Valued.

2. My son and I spent part of yesterday afternoon picking dandelions and blowing on them until we were dizzy. One day he will not want to do this with me anymore.

3. This break from working out feels GOOD.:)

It is amazing that once you think about your day, you can think of so many wonderful things that have happened.

1. Both my DD's where awake to give me a kiss and say goodbye, before I left for work this morning.

2. I had my hair colored last night and I really, really..... like the color.

3. Made brownies last night for my youngest DD's birthday celebration at school. (She turns eight years old tomorrow!) I didn't eat a single brownie (although I wanted too).

Three good things that happened to me yesterday...

1. I got all of my house cleaning done yesterday! It usually takes me two days, so this is quite an accomplishment for me.

2. I booked tickets to see "The Ring 2" for Sat. night. I have been looking forward to seeing this movie.

3. I baked cupcakes with the kids last night. That's always messy fun!

Well, it's WAY too early in the morning for anything to have happened to me yet, but I just want to say that I really like Ruth's post, and as far as missing Bobbi while she was gone, I second that emotion! Glad to have you back Bobbi!!

Sleepyhead in Brooklyn,

I have three for YOU!

1. You woke up healthy this morn.

2. You were able to get out of bed and WALK to the computer.

3. You HAVE a computer!

How's that? Maybe, those should me MY three???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Amen DebbieH

Amen DebbieH .... to have another day....
Just the things that seem to be taken for granted everyday.... that we wake up to a new day.... that we can walk ...
All the rest is icing on the cake, more blessings......... Rhonda:7
RE: Amen DebbieH

*sings* You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch onto the affirmative and don't mess with Mr. In-Between:)

1. Everyone here is SO GREAT!!!

2. I received Low Max, Core Max and Muscle Max in the mail today!

3. It's Friday and I get my baby back today.:D
RE: Amen DebbieH

1. Skipped my workout last night - watched "Ray" with my SO - ordered chinese - Very relaxing. Just what I needed.

2. Going to a play tomorrow night "Crowns" (african american women and the stories behind their colorful hats)

3. Going to a Garden Show on Sunday - the sun has been shining everyday in the northeast, birds chirping. Spring is just around the corner!!
RE: Amen DebbieH

1. I took a break from working out because I couldn't lift my arms!

2. I reconnected with a friend last night.

3. I stood up to someone who I needed to stand up to - and she got the message without mishap.


I do think that we should do this every day.
i am new to cathe (2nd weeks old), so i will try to join in here:

1) after several days of rainy and dreary days, it is a beautiful sunny day in atlanta, which means an awesome run at lunch!!

2) i have been doing the workouts for 2 weeks, and i am already feeling stronger and reinvigorated by working out again.

3) in 2 days, the love of my life will get home from a boy's week in tahoe, and i absolutely cannot wait to see heart still races when the phone rings and it is him...

and i have one more bonus one: i am so glad to have discovered these forums, and i really enjoy how supportive the people are here. it is so refreshing to see people being nice and helpful to each other in such a rushed and busy society!!

thx, gayla
Great things that happen to this week.

1- This morning my scale was down a pound!

2- I found out I am getting the 7 million land deal I have been working on!

3. I did BC and feel great!

This is for all you!

The idea of a successful life will create success. This idea will find objective form in the outer world of the one who holds it with conviction. Is the same as saying as a man thinks, so is he!

Have a great weekend!

This is the best way to start the day!!

1. My wonderful boyfriend drove me all the way to Madison, WI in a snowstorm last night so I could meet my favorite author, Jodi Picoult. He even took a picture of us for me. He's so sweet.

2. I get to spend some quality time with my oldest daughter this morning. She is going downstate with her HS Spanish class to participate in Global Fest at U of I today and won't be back till tomorrow night. I will miss her.

3. Today is my boss' last day with the company and I hate to say this but I'm kinda glad to see him go! (is that bad?!?)

TGIF, everyone! Have a great weekend - you guys are the best!

Welcome Gayla!! I live in Tahoe and hope he is enjoying himself here in my neck of the woods...though our weather is not so great right now unless you WANT more snow;-) But I have to think positive right now so let me see....

1. I just got back from a tip to my sisters and am still a bit 'high' from how stinking cute my neices are and how much fun we all have together.

2. I learned to knit this past week and have finished my third scarf!

3. We were able to get our kids new bikes with our tax return and they are thrilled! They are riding all over the place and I am hoping to have them go mountain biking with me once the snow melts a bit more...

Which would be a bonus blessing

4. Even though we are getting a bit of weather this weekend, the snow IS finally melting faster than it is falling and I am starting to see the ground. Yippee!!
This is a great thread; really makes me focus on the positive things in my life (which are many!!)

1. I slept in until 5:30 this morning!
2. I made it to work safely this morning on VERY icy roads.
3. I had dental cleanings done on my dear dogs today and everything went well.

Have a great day, everyone!!
RE: Nancy!

Those are good ones, Deb, but I can beat 'em:

1. The subways were running on time this morning
2. I forgot to set my alarm but still got to work at a reaonable hour
3. I got a new client today!!!!


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