<---Three Cheers For Friday!!!!


<--is happy it's Friday!
<--wonders if you all are happy it's Friday?
<--says FIVE...count 'em 5 days until vacation!!!:p
<--is slurping choco-raspberry coffee right now and wonders if it tastes like the cheesecake Robin had the other day?:9
<---yells woooo TGIF & high fives Tig
<---wonders if Tig is going on vaca soon? Just..can't...figure..it...out...:p
<---is slurpin' coffee w/ Wendy Woo & wonders where our java buddies are?
<---is hoping to make it to mom's meeting this morning but depends on lil dude
<---is officially becoming VP of mom's club today & proud owner of a dynaband...yeeeeouch!
<---honestly is still shaking head at some posts from yesterday
<---just had to be a pain & point that out ;)
<---is off to forage for some yum yums & then will be back
<---says howdy to all you beeeautiful women coming by

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--waves wildly at Deb.
<--congrats her on VP of mom's club status and is sure she'll do a bang-up job!
<--raises coffee cup to Deb's and clinks in honor of FRIDAY!:+
<--wonders what Deb has on tap as far as weekend plans?
<--asks how Boybs feels?
<--hip, hip, hooooooooooooooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!
<--waves hi to Debbie and Tig
<--is in final house cleaning mode for BIL/SIL visit tonight and parent visit this weekend.
<--may not be on forums this weekend
<--tells Robin that <--'s DH said he'd drop <--off on Sunday! ... you can PM me if you want and we can work out details...
<--must go! there are curtains to hang ... laundry to wash ... and beds to be made ... oh, and dinner ... but ... er.... we may just do the pizza thing tonight!
<--says ... have a great friday everyone!and hi to all vvv too!
Cath :)
<---says, HEY cath!!!
<---tells Tig Aiden is still kinda ehh this morning
<---thinks he may be asleep by the meeting so we'll see
<---doesn't have any specific weekend plans & <---loves that
<---says, well, other than getting stoopid, fat, & happy with DH cuz it's his bday today :)

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--says hello hello hello to Cath!
<--is getting the feeling there is a Robinella-Cath GTG happening this weekend???
<--wonders if <--missed ^^^ it previous posts?
<--hopes the girls have fun!:)
<--sings HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEB'S HUBBY in <--'s best voice!
<--realizes BEST is not very good AT ALL!:-(
<--LOL :7 :7 :7
<--- hip hop hooray! (3 cheers as ordered)
<--- went back to read latest inflamatory post and was choked up by Melody's and Marie's heartfelt comments.

<--- wonders if Wendy is packing yet?
<--- wishes Robin and Cath a nice visit

<--- knows Deb will be a great officer in Mom's club!
<--- had many years of play groups in the 80's & 90's

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<-- waves a happy hello for the morning
<-- has a lazy colon that is longer then most
<-- refuses to make lazy jokes about myself as SO has taken care of that for me
<-- is still wondering if Wendy is making vacation preps
<-- missed all the nasty posts last night;(
<-- Hopes everyone is ok
<-- Wishes Deb's husband a happy birthday
<-- says pizza night on a friday sounds muy fun
<-- hopes nancy's new client meetings went really well
<-- hopes mr. pantyhose didn't bother her too much
<-- wonders how Robin is doing this morning
<-- will bbl

<--struggles to keep eyes open as <-- waves
<--is glad it is Friday but can't muster energy for hips and hoorays
<--hopes little Aiden is better and congrats on mommy club status!
<--forgot to mention new pics on picturtrail, boys June 2006
<--got some real cute ones
<--Wonders why Tig is so chipper this momrning!
<--is glad that it all went well for Susan, and wonders what was the first thing you ate when you could?
<--really hopes Cath has a wonderful visit with family

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

<---needs a raise
<---so far today : Made up workcards, took all frig and incubator temps, did 2 ER urinalysis, pulled, stained, planted and called 6 positive blood cultures, changed an empty CO2 tank, and made coffee
<---is hoping to now have a cup
<---yells whoo hoo aboot Cath and DC GTG
<---will be back after coffee
<---can't wait to see what nastiness <--- may have missed
<--says hey there Robinator
<--hopes Robins work load eases up and she can have lots o coffee
<--is already peed off this AM
<--have a 9 year old boy who comes in morning to get on bus. His 12 yo sister was done with school on Wed. So she was here all day yesterday, (good kid). She was supposed to be here today. Parents are divorcing, so mom picked her up yesterday and paid for the week. Dad drops them off on Frid. Well, Mat comes in the house, but no sister. <--asks Where is she?, and he said, oh she is going to work with my dad. WTF????? No one informs me?? Sh#t like this really irritates <--. <--will not "return" the money <--was paid, (1) the money was already budgeted for groceries, and (2) last minute change <--was never told of, inconveinance.
<--will say, <--guarantee mom doesn't even know. Will call and talk to her in a min.
<--says this is the stuff that makes babysitting hard
<--says sorry guys, but better to vent to you then the kiddies!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

<---says hey Robin, Judy, megadoodoodoo
<---thinks Meg's pics are da cutest!
<---says, boyz rool!!! :)
<---loves seeing happy kids
<---is watching little einsteins w/ boybie
<---says boybie is comatose w/ mouth agape when watching that show ;)
<---tappity tap tap taps on outta da thread

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<--says Happy Friday to everyone!
<--is absolutely in awe that Robinella has accomplished all those things today!?!?
<--'s accomplishments so far today are showering and eating a bowl of oatmeal
<--thinks Robinella is a morning person
<--read yesterday's posts and thanks you lovely ladies for the vote of confidence which <-- really needed!
<--thinks Deb will be a great VP!
<--thinks Cath is doing an amazing job of whipping her house into shape!
<--is so glad to hear from Susan and know she survived!
<--wants to know how Susan is feeling?
<--is very proud of Susan for getting that whole procedure behind her (behind her? did I make a funny?)
<--wants to go on the cruise with Melody's DS :7 :7 :7
<--saw Meg's new pics and loves the one of little Chase running thru the field :D
<--thinks Meg's boys are too cute and wants to squeeze their cheeks
<--must consume mass quantities of coffee...
-Ms. Pancy
ETA: <--Wants to know what everyone is doing this weekend and for Father's Day?
<--- she can't take it anymore!!!!
<--- More on that ^^^ later
<--- :eek: :p :7

<---so now am curious waz up wit Michele?
<---growls at parents for Meggymom
<---tells Ms. Panthosepants to go get those new clients
<---is definatley a morning person
<---just had issues with a doctor - called a panic value report to his office which wasn't opened yet, so the recorded message gave me the number for his answering service. The service said they would page the doctor on call. He didn't answer the page, so I had him paged again. When he finally called, he wouldn't take the report, because it was a patient of an associate, not his. THEN, he had the testicular fortitude to call back and yell at me for paging him twice and told me to call the office (which you may recalled was CLOSED). I called and complained to the manager of his office and the head of the lab, who said she would talk to the medical director.GRRRRRRRR
<---is stomping back to work now
<---thanks you all for listening
<--passes the turkey baster to Robin to bop the meany doc!!
<--says nancy shouldn't be surprised of the votes of confindence because,(as <--is sure all agree) we believe in you and your abilities
<--says one good thing about the babysitting incident, <--got <--WO in this AM instead of 10pm tonight!
<--knows <--wont have energy tonight, as working at diner again
<--says that whole incident this AM may turn ugly between parents and lawyers, as dad is not allowed to do what he did because everything is court mandated during their nasty divorce.<--feels bad for the kiddies.
<--really really wants to know what is going on with Michelly

<--edits to say thanks for comments on boys.
<--tells Nancy, it was Connor running through field. All strangers thiink they are twins, so don't feel bad!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

<--- waves hello
<--- had pasta first thing... it was the first thing I saw.. alot of pasta LOL
<--- is feeling the bloating affects today
<--- is not suprised at what Meaghan is dealing with <-- sees it all the time in public school
<--- wishes Deb lots o' luck on her new VP position
<--- lol at Nancy's funny
<--- also wondering if Michelle is ok
<---says howdy again
<---says boybs lasted 30 min at meeting before the cranky tears came
<---is happy to be home now & he is peacefully sleeping
<---sitting here bored now. oy.

Live with sincerity, love with passion, and dance like you mean it.

<-- waves to the morning crew
<-- wants to know what's up with Michelle
<-- hopes the morning is passing quickly for Nance
<-- thinks divorces suck
<-- thinks being VP does not suck
<-- ran 2 almost 5k runs with the 2 bootcamps today
<-- is off to do Supersets since <-- missed it yesterday
<-- is really nervous about the upcoming 1/2 marathon as <-- has NOT been training for it :eek:
<-- thinks it will be okay, overall, but not during and not the 3 days after :-(
<-- has to go do Supersets now
<-- will likely bbl :D

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