I was so thrilled to finally take the plunge and purchase my first Cathe videos, having spent a lot of time on this wonderfully informative website researching my choices. My ordering experience was so extraordinary that I just had to post it here for all to see, although I'm sure my experience was not unique. In short, I ordered online Monday morning of this week, had a confirming e-mail from within minutes, had a confirming e-mail from UPS that afternoon, and had my videos in hand on Tuesday afternoon. Amazing. I have ordered from just about every online video source imaginable and most are perfectly OK. The large ones suffer from their size, the small ones scramble a lot but are often overwhelemd. But you seem to have put a large investment into this site and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it.
Elisa S.
P.S. Did "Rhythmic Step" this morning!! Wow!!! To come: Power Hour, Cardio Kicks, MIC, and Step Works. Can't wait.
I was so thrilled to finally take the plunge and purchase my first Cathe videos, having spent a lot of time on this wonderfully informative website researching my choices. My ordering experience was so extraordinary that I just had to post it here for all to see, although I'm sure my experience was not unique. In short, I ordered online Monday morning of this week, had a confirming e-mail from within minutes, had a confirming e-mail from UPS that afternoon, and had my videos in hand on Tuesday afternoon. Amazing. I have ordered from just about every online video source imaginable and most are perfectly OK. The large ones suffer from their size, the small ones scramble a lot but are often overwhelemd. But you seem to have put a large investment into this site and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it.
Elisa S.
P.S. Did "Rhythmic Step" this morning!! Wow!!! To come: Power Hour, Cardio Kicks, MIC, and Step Works. Can't wait.