Those leg thingies


Haha, yeah, I know the title isn't very specific. I forget the name of the exercises, but it's in the exercise ball portion of PLB. There are actually 2--the first one is the one that works your hams and the second one in the one that works your inner thighs...ya know which ones I mean? The first one you have your one foot in the air and the other on the ball and you lift your butt up...the inner thigh one you put both feet on the ball and turn out your feet and bring the ball in.

Well, anyways, I'm not really feeling these where I think I should be feeling them. I feel both of them mostly along the back outer side of my knee area.

Just wondering if anyone has any pointers? I think I'm following good form...
Do you work out on carpet? Do you wear shoes? I workout on carpet and I found putting my yoga mat under all my ball exercises has helped so much. I use to feel them in my calves. I also found that I have a bulky crosstrainer shoe and I found doing them barefooted helps me get in there too. The inner thigh I really have to move my feet around so I only feel about 1/2 of them. I think playing with your feet Cathe said in her pure strength legs and abs if you are taller or shorter you have to find where it works for you. I had to learn that because I am 5'8" so my foot placement won't be where cathes may be she's 5'2" I think.

So good Luck.

Don't feel bad...I don't remember what those moves are called either...if they have a name even. Anyway, one thing to check is your form.

On the first exercise, make sure you aren't letting the ball go too far 'out' from your body, because if it is that will put more pressure on your knees. Think of this move as if you were doing a donkey want your leg to be a 90 degree angle when pulled in...if it's not then the ball is too far away from you.

As for the inner thigh work, position your feet so that you DO feel the inner thigh when performing the exercise. Just grab your ball right now and practice these two moves to get the feel for what positioning is best for you.

That ball workout in PLB is great and you should definitely feel the burn while doing it. }( }(

Editing to explain further...on the first move, when you are in the start position your feet/heels should be on the top of your ball and your butt should be close enough to the ball to form a 90 degree angle with your bent legs. Maybe that makes more sense.

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