those last 15 lbs


Hi everyone...this is my first time posting. My question for you all is how to lose those last 15 lbs? I do cardio 6 days a week (I teach spinning,and take step aerobics 3x, kickboxing 1x, and interval running 1x) and lift weights 4 times a week. I try to keep my calories at about 1500/day although I give myself a meal or two off a week. I've tried various different things such as Body for Life (didn't do a darn thing for me), going vegetarian (GAINED weight), and now I'm just keeping it pretty clean and counting the calories. I am taking my ACE certification test in May and really want to be in the best shape/weight possible before teaching. Which kinda brings me to another question. Has anyone taken the ACE test and can they tell me just how hard it is? Is it all multiple choice or will I have to do some labeling (i.e. picture of the heart and label all the various parts)? Looking forward to hearing responses....
an observation

Hi Chelle,

Wow :-wow! If you really are carrying extra weight, it's certainly not from lack of activity. It does seem like your calorie intake might be too low for your activity level. That can backfire & send your body into famine mode where it holds onto every ounce of fat. It's just something to consider.

Another thing to consider is whether you really need to lose weight. You mention pounds several times. Are your muscles really covered with fat or when you look in the mirror do you see a sleek, sculpted woman?

RE: an observation

Debra, thanks for the reply.....well my body fat is at 24%...I'd LIKE to be down to 17% but I'd be happy around 19-20%....I've got quite a lovely little pouch in my belly that just really needs to go. I've thought about the too few calories thing. I don't know. I can't imagine being given liberty to eat MORE...what a concept. Besides the workouts though I'm extremely sedentary. I work out and then I'm on the couch almost exclusively.
RE: an observation

I thought maybe if you switch your cardio around (ex. 2x step, 2x spinning, 2x kickboxing) every few weeks. Also, maybe add 1 or 2 healthy snacks to increase your calories. When your on the couch maybe you could do some extra floor work. Now if I could only follow this advice.
Hi Cbelle,
I tend to agree with the other comments about your calories, try just a couple hundred extra, but good healthy choices......It just might do the trick.
I've been ACE certified for quite a few years, I felt the test was challenging, well rounded, for sure, go prepared! When I read through the material I remember them mentioning that they have a 40% failure rate for those taking the test the first time. So you really do want to go in prepared. Also, when I took it the entire test was multiple choice.
Good Luck!!!!!!
Yes the test is challenging. It is also true that the failure rate is approximately 40-45% for first time takers. I do highly recommend getting the "practice" tests, they will help you see the format and get an idea of the set up of the questions. Can be purchased from ACE. If you want to spend a little bit more money you can get an eight audio cassette tape set and manual for ACE "Aerobic Instructor Exam Preparation Course". This is great if you are in the car alot and can listen to the tapes as you drive. The manual also has practice questions at the end of every chapter. Available from "Desert Southwest Fitness" - they are a fitness consulting group.

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