This past year & 1/2 has been hell!

Hello all,
I'm brand new here and am so inspired by all of the wonderful support you lovely ladies offer to people you don't even know.
First of all my beloved sister took her life. I have 3 other older sisters but am not very close to any of them. They found her body in a praying position. I can't seem to get that picture out of my mind. She overdosed on all kinds of drugs, drugs prescribed by her Dr. A few months later my dear, sweet mother-in-law who was 86 died a horrible death. She had a living will but it was not honored because no close family member was at the hospital at the time she went in. She suffered terribly and knowing she did not want to be intubated and seeing her that way made me SO ANGRY at those doctors. She passed in May.
Then hurricane Rita hit us hard. Rita was the "other" storm right after Katrina. It did as much devastation as Katrina but no one heard much about it because we south Louisianians are a pretty tough bunch. We did not evacuate (I know...) and I will never do that again. As far as damage goes we fared pretty well. But the aftermath was worse than the storm. South Louisiana is stifilling hot in Sept. But we were well prepared.
A few months later my dear father-in-law passed away. He was 94 with Alzheimer's. But thankfully, he passed quietly and peacefully. My DH proceeded to have an emotional meltdown and became a completly different man which I totally understand. The bad part is I was on the recieving end of his wrath. We're trying to repair things but it's pretty tough.
Now my stepdaughter's twin 3 yr. old twin girls have been taken away from her because she is using drugs. Her mom refuses to let my husband and myself see them.
So, it's been extremely difficult around here lately. BUT, thanks to Fit Tv I saw a Cathe workout and she, especially, appealed to me and I ordered Slow and Heavy and LOVE it. It and my daily walks (and LOTS of prayer) are about the only thing helping me to hold on to whats left of my sanity.
Thank all of you for letting me vent.
And thank you Cathe for the inspiration to get fit. My arms are really getting ripped. I have trouble with the stepping and back work due to a fairly recent L5 back fusion surgery.

Hello all,
I'm brand new here and am so inspired by all of the wonderful support you lovely ladies offer to people you don't even know.
First of all my beloved sister took her life. I have 3 other older sisters but am not very close to any of them. They found her body in a praying position. I can't seem to get that picture out of my mind. She overdosed on all kinds of drugs, drugs prescribed by her Dr. A few months later my dear, sweet mother-in-law who was 86 died a horrible death. She had a living will but it was not honored because no close family member was at the hospital at the time she went in. She suffered terribly and knowing she did not want to be intubated and seeing her that way made me SO ANGRY at those doctors. She passed in May.
Then hurricane Rita hit us hard. Rita was the "other" storm right after Katrina. It did as much devastation as Katrina but no one heard much about it because we south Louisianians are a pretty tough bunch. We did not evacuate (I know...) and I will never do that again. As far as damage goes we fared pretty well. But the aftermath was worse than the storm. South Louisiana is stifilling hot in Sept. But we were well prepared.
A few months later my dear father-in-law passed away. He was 94 with Alzheimer's. But thankfully, he passed quietly and peacefully. My DH proceeded to have an emotional meltdown and became a completly different man which I totally understand. The bad part is I was on the recieving end of his wrath. We're trying to repair things but it's pretty tough.
Now my stepdaughter's twin 3 yr. old twin girls have been taken away from her because she is using drugs. Her mom refuses to let my husband and myself see them.
So, it's been extremely difficult around here lately. BUT, thanks to Fit Tv I saw a Cathe workout and she, especially, appealed to me and I ordered Slow and Heavy and LOVE it. It and my daily walks (and LOTS of prayer) are about the only thing helping me to hold on to whats left of my sanity.
Thank all of you for letting me vent.
And thank you Cathe for the inspiration to get fit. My arms are really getting ripped. I have trouble with the stepping and back work due to a fairly recent L5 back fusion surgery.

Wow Flash! You've certainly had a rough year! {{{HUGS}}}! I'm so sorry to hear what you've been though! I'm happy you found Cathe, though - she really helps deal with stress. Welcome to Catheland! We're glad you're here.
Wow Flash! You've certainly had a rough year! {{{HUGS}}}! I'm so sorry to hear what you've been though! I'm happy you found Cathe, though - she really helps deal with stress. Welcome to Catheland! We're glad you're here.
Hi Flash,

I'm so sorry to hear all you have been through. That is a lot to have to endure in a small amount of time. You sound like a pretty tough lady to have made it through. It's great to hear how fitness is helping you move on. Exercise can be a wonderful outlet for releasing bad feelings.
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you will find lots of good advice and support here. :)
Hi Flash,

I'm so sorry to hear all you have been through. That is a lot to have to endure in a small amount of time. You sound like a pretty tough lady to have made it through. It's great to hear how fitness is helping you move on. Exercise can be a wonderful outlet for releasing bad feelings.
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you will find lots of good advice and support here. :)
Hi Flash!!

Welcome to the forums!!

I am soo sorry for all the grief that you have been through.. I have no words of wisdom, but you are always welcome to vent and speak your mind. After your body heals you may find that you can do more exercise than you thought.:) I pray that you have the strength to withstand anything coming your way. {{{HUGS}}} to you !!!
Hi Flash!!

Welcome to the forums!!

I am soo sorry for all the grief that you have been through.. I have no words of wisdom, but you are always welcome to vent and speak your mind. After your body heals you may find that you can do more exercise than you thought.:) I pray that you have the strength to withstand anything coming your way. {{{HUGS}}} to you !!!
Thank you so much for the hugs Christine. That was my sister's name. It's kind of trippy that you would be the first to respond. I'm coloring my hair right now. Had to get rid of all those grays! LOL It's so good to be here in Catheland!!! You gals are the best!!

Thank you so much for the hugs Christine. That was my sister's name. It's kind of trippy that you would be the first to respond. I'm coloring my hair right now. Had to get rid of all those grays! LOL It's so good to be here in Catheland!!! You gals are the best!!

Thank you Jennifer. O.K. this is getting even More trippy. Jennifer is my stepdaughter's name!! I like to think I'm pretty tough. I must get it from my Mom. She's 87 and still going pretty strong. I didn't mention that in the past 10 years I've had to endure 7 major surgeries... Will it EVER end??? My faith is strong so whatever is thrown my way I WILL handle!!
Thanks again, Jennifer

Thank you Jennifer. O.K. this is getting even More trippy. Jennifer is my stepdaughter's name!! I like to think I'm pretty tough. I must get it from my Mom. She's 87 and still going pretty strong. I didn't mention that in the past 10 years I've had to endure 7 major surgeries... Will it EVER end??? My faith is strong so whatever is thrown my way I WILL handle!!
Thanks again, Jennifer

Welcome to the forums Flash. Here's hoping that things start to look up for you. Have a great weekend!
Welcome to the forums Flash. Here's hoping that things start to look up for you. Have a great weekend!
Thank you luvmyabs! I'm coloring my hair right now to get rid of all of the well earned grays. I know I'm a grandmother but... I'm only 41!! I'll be 42 on the 30th of this month. Hmmmmmm... maybe my DH will get me a new car. A Saturn Sky would be pretty cool!!!!
Again, thank you for your support and kind words. Somehow, I knew Cathe's Gals would be there to listen to me vent!

Thank you luvmyabs! I'm coloring my hair right now to get rid of all of the well earned grays. I know I'm a grandmother but... I'm only 41!! I'll be 42 on the 30th of this month. Hmmmmmm... maybe my DH will get me a new car. A Saturn Sky would be pretty cool!!!!
Again, thank you for your support and kind words. Somehow, I knew Cathe's Gals would be there to listen to me vent!

Thank you, Amy! You ladies are THE BEST!!! I'm coloring all those well earned grays out of my hair right now and it's time to rinse!

Thanks again for your support,

P.S. I can't seem to figure out how to use the emotion icons or I would. Can you or one of the other lovely ladies tell me how???
Thank you, Amy! You ladies are THE BEST!!! I'm coloring all those well earned grays out of my hair right now and it's time to rinse!

Thanks again for your support,

P.S. I can't seem to figure out how to use the emotion icons or I would. Can you or one of the other lovely ladies tell me how???
Flash...<<hugs>>> to you for all you have been through. There are defintely some tough times shared here on the boards. As my great aunt used to say, "this earth bound life is a battle." Still, it does make us appreciate the good times when they come. :)


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
Flash...<<hugs>>> to you for all you have been through. There are defintely some tough times shared here on the boards. As my great aunt used to say, "this earth bound life is a battle." Still, it does make us appreciate the good times when they come. :)


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett

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