Things that I love!!


Hi to all cathites,

I thought I thought I would just like to share with you some of the things that I love.(Things that make me excited)

1) JESUS because without him I would not be.

2) Music because it soothes the soul, ( I used to perform in bands).

3) exercise because it de'stresses me, as I am always restless

Things that I am loving now!!

1)A book by Frederic Delavier called Strength Training anatomy.
This book is brilliant, an illustrated guide to muscles at work.

2)Dont laugh!! I know I'm 34 but I have rekindled my love of ballet
through pilates/ballet workouts,which are good for flexibility and elongating muscles, as well as core strength, so right now I am so loving Jennifer Kries, Karen Voight, New york city ballet workout book and dvd,and soon to follow Jessica Sherwood and Melissa Lowe.(My mother never did get round to sending me to ballet classes)

3) Cathe, her strength training workouts are supreme,I discovered her in july 2002 and bought 5 of her dvds, but I confess, I was afraid of her, and continued to do the firm until writing to this forum, you all encouraged me to start with power hour which I did.
so I just wanted to thank you all for 3 days of disability.I am now a believer.

4)Two other books that I also love are Body Fitness for Women,Your Way To Physical Perfection,( my brother says the women in this book look like SHIMS,a female him.
I notice that you all like to talk about your body type,
endomorph ectomorph etc...
5)There is a book that I would recommend which explains this for those who dont know, it is called (Shape Training the 8 week total body makeover). It shows how to train for each body type.

So these are some of the things I love. What things do you love?what excites you?(now now!! dont be dirty) I would be glad to hear.

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