Things our kids say!!


Okay, this was prompted by Melody's post. Admittedly my daughter has never licked anyone in the back seat (oh, the comments I could make on that one!) but she's come up with some funnies.

Me: Sophie, which part of "don't touch that" didn't you understand?
Sophie: The "don't" part

Sophie (at about age 2): Mommy?
Me: Yes, honey?
Sophie: I did it all for the nookie (okay, so I stopped listening to Limp Bizkit after that:p)

One time I was in the kitchen making dinner and I could hear her in her playroom. She was painting at her easel. I quite clearly heard "And mommy will NEVER know..." so I quietly creeped over to see what she was doing and she was quite happily painting the wall. I'm not quite sure how she thought I'd never know:p

So, share some of your "out of the mouths of babes" stories!
The other night at the diner, we were having a crazy wind storm, and the power was knocked out for about 45 seconds. So of course, as the lights are out, everyone gets super quiet, and all you hear is Chase say "What the hell was that?"

When I picked Chase up from pre school the other day, he was waiting while I buckled Connor in, and his frien Neila came up to him to say goodbye, then they kissed on the lips!! He turned to me and said "What mom, that's what friends are for!"

I will have to think of more. I will be back!

Shelley--too cute about Limp Bizkit!! Love it!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums
I got to church a little early one Sunday and went into the nursery to drop one of my kids off. The only one there was a 3 year old girl sitting on the floor trying to wrestle her boots off. I said," Samantha, are you in charge of the nursery today." She looked up at me and snarled,"Hell no!"

Emily used to play the "peenano", wear "pamajamanies" to bed, use "fishing sticks" to catch fish, and watch "wood knockers" peck at trees.

We took the kids to a ballet one evening. As we were leaving, I asked Tristan how he liked it. He said, "It was good, but there was too much dancing." Emily said, "I liked the part where their shoes squeaked."
Oh, my, these are too cute!!

Josh is my 7 year old and he is still afraid to sleep by himself. (I make him do this and he copes by cat-napping at least two cats to sleep in there with him.)

He slept at my mother's a few weeks ago, and as they were getting into bed, they had this conversation:

Mom: "Josh, why are you afraid to sleep by yourself?"

Josh: "I have alien issues!"

No more alien flicks for us! LOL

My nephew was visiting me one year when he was about 7 years old. I was asking him about his friends and he said that his friend Grant was his best friend. He said "When we're grown up, we may even live together". Pause. "But we're not going to be lesbians." :+ :+
One day I had problems with my DVR cable box, , I knew that if I called Time Warner Cable, they would have me unplug the cable box. This is hard , as I would have to try and get behind my entertainment cabinet to reach the plug in. With DH at work, I had to take on the task. So as I am trying to move the heavy cabinet a few inches away from the wall to get to the plug in, I am working pretty hard,after about 5 minutes, I got it moved about 2 inches, which was not quite enough, I yell out in frustration "F**k It" !! so for about a week my 2 year old son Kyle walked around the house saying "F**k It", every time I would tell him not to say that , he would repeat it like 3 times just laughing at me, so everytime after that , he would say it and I would ignore him, by weeks end he was done saying it.
My daughter has always been a very heavy sleeper and is nearly impossible to wake up in the morning. (She takes after my husand. :7 )

Anyway, one morning she was particularly resistant to my attempts to rouse her. I knew part of the problem was the fact she used every excuse the night before to avoid going to bed. I told my daughter "Tonight we're going to have to start getting to bed on time." My daughter replied from her semi-comatose state "Let's start now." :) :) :)


Edited to add: DD is 11 1/2 now so I'm guessing she was 4 or 5 at the time. Sounds cuter coming from a little kid that a smart-mouthed teenager. . .
I don't have any kids but I love this story about my friend's little brother, was about 4 at the time. They were all going on vacation to Aruba, and in the airport, the little brother, Scott, had to go to the bathroom. His big brother, my friend, took him to the bathroom. He noticed that Scott, who had dressed himself that morning, had not put on any underwear. He asked him about it, and Scott got all upset and said something like "don't tell mom! She'll think I'm a bast*rd! I'm such a bast*ard!" The whole family died laughing! Too silly! :p

I don't have any kids either, but there are a couple of stories from a co-worker that I love:

- Sarah is 3 and she and daddy are reading an animal book together, making the animal sounds as they go through. When they get to the "underwater" page, Sarah asks, "Daddy, what sound does a seahorse make?". Daddy: "I don't know, honey, what sound *does* a seahorse make?" Sarah: "Look at me...I touch the butt..!!!" (from Finding Nemo!)

- Last week-
Daddy: "Sarah, honey come here a minute"
Sarah: "Poof, what do you want?" (after watching Aladdin)
At this point, daddy was laughing so hard, he forgot what he was going to tell Sarah!
These are cracking me up!

My son who's eight recently said to me, while watching me do Cathe: Mom, how come Cathe's smiling when she's doing this and you look like you're gonna die?

I guess I have to watch the faces I make!
I'll never forget the first time Elizabeth said something to make me laugh out loud, she wasn't quite 3 years old at the time. It was shortly after breakfast that she started asking for a cookie, I told her no but she persisted then this..

Elizabeth~ Mommy, I want a cookie!
Me~ Elizabeth we don't eat cookies in the morning
Elizabeth~ How 'bout in the living room:+ :+ :+ :7 :+ :+ :+ Too Funny!!

I love the malapropisms that kids come up with, for the longest time Elizabeth called umbrellas, underbrellas....makes perfect sense to me!!:D

One evening my family and I were in a restaurant, there was a boy about 11 or 12 who I assumed had epilepsy as he was having a seizure, it was alarming but the Dad was great with him then the ambulance came. Months later my daughter Faith who was about 4 said to me 'remember when we were in a restaurant and a boy got sick from the lettuce?' I told her that he didn't get sick from the lettuce but that he had epilepsy, she said 'Ohhhhh, I thought he had a 'seizure salad'!!:eek: :eek: I still chuckle at that, what goes through these poor little kids minds as they try to figure this complicated world out. She thought that those 'seizure salads' were so good that we were willing to take the risk that we might end up on the floor after eating it!!! So cute and funny!

Take Care
Laurie :)
These are wonderful! What a way to bring a smile to your face:)

A couple from Sophie that made me go :eek: :

We were driving home one night after I picked her up from my mom's and we drove past the local strip joint. As we were stopped in front of it because the light was red, Sophie looked over and said "Oh, that's where Daddy goes!".

Another red light, this time with Dad in the car. She says "Mommy, aren't you getting out?" Her Dad said "why would Mommy get out, honey?".... "Oh, Mommy gets out and gets in men's cars!".

I swear I have no idea where either of those two things came from.:p

Another time when she was about 5, we were driving somewhere and having a "discussion". She finally blurted out "Mommy, you just have to realize that it's NOT ALL ABOUT YOU!".
OMG these KILL me!!

I have a 2.5 year old. Conversations are not quite that in depth but still chuckleworthy ;)

One night my husband and I are eating brownies. Aiden doesn't want one but is watching vigilantly. He says, "mmmm. taste. dericious".

Getting Aiden dressed in the morning. I pull of his pajamas.
Aiden: what happened?
Me: you're getting dressed, dude.
Aiden: giggling

Riding in the car, I hear in the back seat: Faster! Faster! Dude, c'mon!

I find him standing on the couch yelling "sit down! Be careful!"

We have a picture of Aiden on our desktop. We have told him numerous times "that's you!". Of course everytime he sees it now & we ask who it is he says "that's you!".

Aiden has a little stuffed puppy that he got from my SIL. We asked him what it's name was. We heard "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

When I put Aiden to bed every night I say "good night, sleep tight"
I then hear, "don't let the bed bugs bite...if they do...hit 'em with a shoe!"

I'm sure there are many more goofy incidents. I can't think of anymore at this hour. phhhhbt.


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I just thought of another....when Elizabeth was 11 I was in school, one night some friends and I were studying pathophysiology and STDs. Elizabeth was listening to some of it and later came and told us that she thought Chlamydia was a very pretty name for a girl:+ :7 I think it's best that we cut a wide path around anyone named Chlamydia:+

Take Care
Ok, this one is about pixiesis (who is my little sister and who has contributed on this very thread so I'm sure she will read it}( )

Many years ago, when we were about 12 and 8, my parents had some people over for dinner one night. After dinner, the adults were sitting around the table talking and Amy and I were hanging out watching Night Rider or something. For some reason, she got up, walked over to the adults, and declared to everyone that "my daddy wears my mommy's clothes ALL the time". There was silence, and some awkward stares. I vaguely remember my parents trying to explain what she meant, but very soon afterwards, the guests left.

Apparently, my dad had pants that were a similar color as my mom's and Amy just assumed (naturally of course), that they were the same pair of pants!

We were on a trip somewhere and Emily was asleep in the car seat. I think she was about 3. We were driving on a narrow road, through a mountainous, dark, narrow valley. She woke up, looked out the car window and said, "Shhhhh, bears are sleeping."

On another trip, we had stopped at a traffic light outside of a small amusement park. Again, Emily wakes up, looks out the window and very politely asks, "Please, may I go in there?"
One of the little boys that comes to my salon was telling me about a test at school.
He said. I got 100% on my test.I told him how proud i was .

Then he stated that Joey missed alot , and the way he is going he is not going to be a professional someday.....I busted out laughing.
Who would think of this in 2nd grade???

Aka( Storm)
My boss was dirving past the wine store "Total Wine" and he heard his daughter from the backseat whisper to her sister, "I don't know what that place is but that sign says "total weenee"!

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