they tell you birth is the hardest thing you will ever do physically


Ha, I heard this with both my kids and I pushed over 2& 1/2 hours with each one. I kept thinking, while it was going on, that I have worked out much harder than this.

I hope you're right that consistent exercise will help with the exertion of labour. But I have to disagree that birth is not that physically difficult, for many women. My first baby's delivery consisted of 2 days of "pre-labour" followed by 12 hours of active labour, ending with an hour of pushing, a perineum with a 3rd degree tear (no medication), and an hour of stitching by an obstetrical surgeon because the doctor who delivered the baby wasn't sure how to put things back together. I have to say, I'd prefer MIC twice over, before going through that again!

It's great that your labours were so good. Birth is such an unpredictable process; you never know what you're in for!

RE: they tell you birth is the hardest thing you will e...

I had what most would consider pretty easy labor and delivery-12 hours from start to finish with only 2-3 hours being intense and 20 minutes of pushing and I'd have to agree with Sandra...Giving birth is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life! If you can rate Cathe as harder than giving birth than you rock, girl, and I'm totally jealous! :p


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!
Okay, labor sucks, healing sucks, the PAIN sucks, but did anyone think that breast feeding beat it all?

Everyone tells you how hard childbirth is, how painful it is so you are, in a sense, prepared for that road. Who ever says, "Breastfeeding kills your nipples, be prepared for some cracking, possible some bleeding, chapped nipples. They will get sucked harder baby than a Kirby vaccuum could even dream of." And it TAKES FOREVER for the pain to go away. Every time they latch on, man....OUCH!

LOL!! You make a great point, Missy! The first couple of months of nursing DD#1 were utter misery for me. The only thing that kept me going with it was my stubborn streak, my 100% committment to the health benefits of breastfeeding, and having access to a wide variety of nursing resources and supports.

Yes, you are lucky, Tallchick, if Cathe is harder for you than childbirth! You are probably the rare lucky one, as I've never heard anyone say that before.

Missy and Sandra, I would have to agree with the breastfeeding part, but not so much at first as when my little guy's first teeth came in. My nipples were little battle grounds, with open sores all! It was a real trial. I, too, have to attribute my survival to my stubborn determination.[/img][/url]

Due 7-10-05
naw, I wasn't so lucky with childbirth. I had 12 hours of back labor with no pain medication (I never checked if the insurance covered it), and had to have a nurse push on my abdomen while the baby was pulled out with the vacuum. Also my placenta wouldn't come out so the doctor had to pull it out piece by piece and that really hurt. I didn't have it so easy but still again, I do remember that I have worked out harder than that. What I am saying it that childbirth is not all that hard, there are much harder things in life. So, don't let anyone scare you about how hard it is!
RE: they tell you birth is the hardest thing you will e...

Well, I'll agree that, atleast in my experience, it's not as hard or as bad as some had made it out to be! Yet it was much harder than what I had imagined it to be in my own head...atleast for the last couple of hours that is...:)


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

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