There's always a bright side


I was just sitting here thinking that I'm glad I didn't receive the I.S. this week. I've been so busy. I know I will really be able to dive into the new workouts when they arrive once all this Holiday madness is over. Also, now we still have one more present to look forward to and a great present it will be. And I will really be able to enjoy it!!!


Make each day count!
I was really grateful I didn't receive any DVDs during the awful NC ice storm that left me without power for 4 days recently. Imagine a nice little box from Cathe and no power to play it on!! Maybe Stephen King could do a movie about that as it is such a horrible thought.
I agree with you Joanne! I am out of town right now anyway so I couldn't do them if I had them... and this way we still have yet to recieve the best gift of all! I am so pumped for the IS I can't believe it... been working on potential rotations this afternoon. ;-)

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