The wrath of a pregnant woman.....look out!!


Cathlete guys want to hear me vent..maybe not but I will anyway.

We scheduled work to be done on our heating system about 3 months ago and I told my husband, it shouldn't be any problem as long as they don't show up wanting to do it when I'm DUE. So...they've had 3 months to get this done and when do they show up....this week. AND the other team of guys who are going to insulate and weatherize any (which we also called 2-3 months ago) areas (attics, baseboards, doors, windows that may need it) just called today and said they can finally get here on Monday. Of course, I don't want to turn them down now or we'll probably wait another 3 months, so by all means come...the more the merrier.

All week the guys currently doing our heating system have piddled around, literally, trying to figure out this and that. For heaven's sakes on Thursday morning they couldn't get up the drive and I told them my dh would be here in 15 minutes and he could drive them up or pull them up with our backhoe, but no....they decided to go to another town to get chains which took 6 hours before they returned. Then the chains didn't fit their tires and my dh pulled them up anyway. They get here at 9:30 am or so and wrap up no later than 4 pm and every few hours they don't have a "PART" so they have to drive to another town (which is always an hour away from here) to get the elbow or fitting.

So to get on with the story....4 pm is here and they apologize for not getting the heating system back together today, but since they had to disconnect everything we will be without heat and could we maybe heat the house (the 3900 sq/ft)home with the little wood burning stove in the dining room. LAST NIGHT IT WAS 14 BELOW HERE IN BEAUTIFUL WISCONSIN. And it's Friday so they won't be back until MONDAY morning, bright and early of course (9-10 am).

God must have a real sense of humor here, but I wasn't sharing it at the time. I was showing great restraint here as my weights were less than 15 feet away (and I wanted to chuck one at them) when I said..."no problem....we're just due to have a baby any time and if we were going to a heated hospital it probably wouldn't be a big deal, BUT WE'RE HAVING THE BABY AT HOME AND IT'S 14 BELOW AND YOU'RE LEAVING US WITHOUT HEAT FOR A WHOLE WEEKEND - DO YOU SEE ANY PROBLEMS HERE!!!!!!????????" They did mention that it would only take them 3 hours to get the rest hooked up...but did they stay to do it...NOOOO.

THIS BABY IS NOT GOING TO BE BORN FOR ANOTHER WEEK...I may have to cross my legs, but it's staying in until all this has past. And if not.....we'll get a case of sparkling grape juice so the entire of party of workers can toast the birth of our newborn. dh says at least we'll have someone here to occupy the children, we'll let them baby sit!!!!

Sorry guys just had to was therapeutic for me!! And I do know that "all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose". (I hope I quoted that correctly - my mind is still a little bit clouded)

Oh Briee!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine not having heat and it only gets down to the low 30's here at night in Vegas! My prayers are definitely with you!!! Hang on to that little muffin even though I know that you are bursting - literally!!! Otherwise, I hope that you have a million blankets to keep you and the baby warm. You wouldn't even be able to get out of the tub after you gave birth, you would freeze both of your little tushies off!! Good luck Briee!! I really am praying for you!!!!!
I think you acted with remarkable restraint. I can't believe those workers left you in that position. I wouldn't do business with them again. Anyway I will be praying for you as well, especially that he baby does not come before they get it all fixed.

take care
God is sovreign and sees the bigger picture:)
I re read my post this morning and realized that I really had my underwear in a bunch so to speak last night. We are trying to laugh about it as we are shivering this morning!!! I'm sure as we look back at this it will be "one of those memories". Thanks Maggie....God is sovereign and does see the bigger picture!!! And thanks for the prayers Sara!!! There have been a lot of things that I've had to "give up to the Lord" this pregnancy and this is just another one.

My dh was thinking of a friend of his who is a welder in Chicago. The night his wife delivered he got "welder flash" or "flash burn". (can't remember exactly what they call it). But, he was blinded for about 3 days. Of course his wife went into labor the night this happened to him and he still delivered the baby at home - almost completely blind. Imagine that - I should be thankful. Babies are born under incredible circumstances sometime!! (he had delivered their twins at home for the previous birth so he is used to unusual deliveries, but this one was truly interesting).

So we'll see what next week holds!! Thanks for listening everyone, I'm doing much better today!!

That's true, babies are born under all sorts of unusual circumstances. Still, I pray the problem is fixed before little one arrives. Ooooh--keep us posted. Having any signs that labor is imminent?(I know I spelled that wrongx( )

take care
>have to cross my legs, but it's staying in until all this has
>past. And if not.....we'll get a case of sparkling grape
>juice so the entire of party of workers can toast the birth of
>our newborn. dh says at least we'll have someone here to
>occupy the children, we'll let them baby sit!!!!

Ha ha, briee, you are funny! I hope your home is warm now!

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