The wedding video

I'm hoping after the Intensity Series come out, &/or when she sees how well Classics Vol. 1 DVD does. Cathe?

bumping up for consideration.

I'm getting married 11/1/03 and the wedding video sounds like a great plan. But, since getting a DVD player I won't buy any more Video tapes. Will this be released on DVD? Please????? :)


I love the PS series, and was hoping to mix in some step tapes now that it is too cold for me to be running outside.
I love Cathe strength dvds. I bought the Wedding
video to incorporate some "easier" Cathe step into
my routine. I really like it! Since I also have mainly
dvds, I also hope that this one goes to dvd!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-03 AT 04:33PM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry! I submitted the same message twice. Opps!

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