The quiet Beatle



Well, we have lost another of our Rock n' Roll icons...George Harrision made his transition yesterday. They were the best! I watched them on the Ed Sullivan show when I was 13. He's probably havin' a talk with John right about now.
He was my favorite, actually ....

When I was younger, we had a "Beatles" board game. I can't remember what the premise of the game was, but I remember that I liked the "George" piece the best. His music will live on forever.
I can clearly remember that monumental moment when they first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show as if it was yesterday. I also remember begging my parents for their first album. The sad thing is somehow I lost that album...sigh.....
I too remember that historical Ed Sullivan show and before that, when Jack Paar introduced The Beatles to the American TV audience. How that changed the world...mine especially. I loved George. He was a fantastic guitarist and I was dearly impressed. Did you know that he held copyrights on some of his guitar Daytripper? If you write a song with those famous first 12 notes you need to write a check to George.
I used to know the words and music to all the Beatle's songs. They changed music so much. John with the 12 string Rickenbacker and George taking us rift by rift where we had not gone before.The chord arrangements were unique as well. Today we take it all for granted.
Too bad throat and lung cancer wasn't part of public awareness back in the 60's. But would anyone have listened? It is so sad because he could have lived so much longer and wrote many more masterpieces.
Obviously a guitar player in our midst! I heard Paul in an interview state that he likes to give autographs because when he was a kid he got one from someone he admired. What a gas it would be to meet Paul and get his autograph.

VH1 ran a George interview yesterday and he seemed like a genuine nice guy. What a loss! We STILL love you, Beatles, oh yes we do. My favorite walking music tape before I got really fast was "Hooked on Beatles."
My Dad is the guitarist. George bonded Dad and I together during the difficult teenage years. I play piano and keyboards, pro for awhile. Funny, later in life, my first road trip as a singer, was with Carl Perkins (Blue Suede Shoes). George played great lead guitar on Carl's Honey Don't and Matchbox, the songs my Dad and I played together. Life comes full circle doesn't it?
George did seem to be a really nice guy. I was crushed when he married Patti Boyd. Wasn't he supposed to pick me up after school and take me to England? :eek: :D :D :D
Thanks Honeybunch for starting this thread. It was a kind tribute to George. "when you're not near to us, we're blue ooh, oh George we love you. yea yea yea yea"
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Beatlebrunch is a weekly morning radio show dedicated to the Fab Four. I listen to it pretty regularly.
George was cool.....he taught John how to play. When he joined the band John was playing a guitar with 3 strings on it!! I'd say they did pretty well for themselves, huh?
What's yur fave Beatles album? Mine is still "Help!" with "Revolver" a close second. My 10 month old falls asleep to the movie "Help!" His faves?........"You're Gonna Lose That Girl" and the Harrison tune "I Need You".
Rest in peace'll definitely never be forgotten!
T. :) hero

May we all live our lives as lovingly and graciously as he did. I was 8 years old when I fell in love with George Harrison. That was 32 years ago and I still get a special feeling in my heart whenever I hear or see him.

Thanks for making my world a better place, George!

His family has asked that everyone take a moment of meditation to honor him. It's monday at 1:30 pm PST. Maybe we can all actually make a difference in this world if we do it.

Since there isn't a right or wrong answer here ;-) I'll chime in with my fav album....Beatles 65 with fav song from that I Feel Fine. Ooh how I loved the guitars in that one.I was so on cloud 9 when I learned how to play that song, I just knew George would be proud, even if it were on the piano (yeah, right?) :D
There were just so many of their songs I would listen to see what George was going to do. He was always amazing to me. How about the haunting intro to Hard Day's Night? That album and movie set the tone for many bands and musicians ie: Jim McGuire, The Byrds.

The Beatles weren't just another fad group to come and go, they had amazing talent. While George may not have had the same talent of John and Paul, his guitar put them on the map. He set his mark with some masterpieces of his own too. There just would not have been The Beatles without George. "If I Needed Someone to Love, your the one that I'd be thinking of....If I Needed Someone."
I was born in 1964 so I've been listening to the Beatles my entire life. "Something" is simply the most romantic, beautiful song I've ever heard. I'm grateful for all the wonderful sounds George gave us during his life, such as that cool sitar. It's somewhat comforting to know his spirit will live forever through his music.

Great thread, HB!

I was 12 when the Beatles hit the Ed Sullivan show! Even though Paul was my favorite, (had a crush on him! :-shy) they ALL hold a special place in my heart. I LOVE all their songs. I dance to many in my classes!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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