The Perfect Prenatal Workout


I saw this mentioned on a different website. It looks good. I ordered it today, so I can't review it from experience.

The exercises are not cardio focused, but instead are designed to get you in shape for labor and delivery. The instructor is a former Cirque de Soliel performer (read: she's in awesome shape!).
I'll also be very curious to hear what you think of this one. I am seriously considering purchasing it as soon as I become pregnant again and have read many outstanding reviews of it on Amazon.

Let us know:)
Just be cautious. This workout is not referencing the current ACOG Guidelines ie., "After 20 weeks of pregnancy, avoid doing any exercises on your back". You may want to contact Sheila Watkins and ask her opinion.

Take care!
>Just be cautious. This workout is not referencing the
>current ACOG Guidelines ie., "After 20 weeks of pregnancy,
>avoid doing any exercises on your back". You may want to
>contact Sheila Watkins and ask her opinion.
>Take care!

I watched the video clip, which shows her propping herself up very well on pillows, so when she does sit ups she is never fully laid out on her back.

In "Fit to Deliver" (the book recommended by Cathe) modified sit ups are shown with the model leaning back in a chair, so it's similar to the "pillow employment" technique.
I saw the video clip too, but my point is that she is not referencing the current ACOG recommendations for safe exercise during pregnancy. So, I would be cautious of the safety of her exercises. The current guideline is to avoid execise flat on your back after 12 weeks not 20 weeks, which she references 20 weeks on her site. This is one example. I am always cautious of anyone who doesn't refer to the current safety guidelines unless they are using an alternative guideline source or are credentialed, which I don't think she is but could wrong. As long as you are familiar with safe exercise during pregnancy, you can probably modify.

It is the OB/Gyn nurse in me to be cautious. :)
I used these workouts

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that I used these workouts during my twin pregnancy in 2004 and really enjoyed them. They are more for your tone and keeping your strength up for your pregnancy and delivery, not cardio focused. You will feel some cardio, since you do step ups, lunges and labor squats. I was feeling my body when I used this workout. But I must tell you, I truly enjoyed it - she is celebrating her pregnancy and still maintaining her fitness as best she can.

I also used the postnatal workout for a few weeks, but it's not as easy to use when you have twins! I would one baby and the other would get worked up, so I didn't get to use it as much as I'd like. However; what I did was soothing, not too hard and the babies did enjoy it, too.

Hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions.

Holy Cow!!! She's in that shape because of her years of practice, she's probably a contorshinist (sp?) hence Cirque De Soleil!! Videos look awesome. I think I may have to try both out! Let us know how it's going after doing it for like a month cuz you'll have to see results of some sort in your body minus tummy.
RE: I used these workouts

>Hi everyone,
>I wanted to let you know that I used these workouts during my
>twin pregnancy in 2004 and really enjoyed them. They are more
>for your tone and keeping your strength up for your pregnancy
>and delivery, not cardio focused. You will feel some cardio,
>since you do step ups, lunges and labor squats. I was feeling
>my body when I used this workout. But I must tell you, I
>truly enjoyed it - she is celebrating her pregnancy and still
>maintaining her fitness as best she can.
>I also used the postnatal workout for a few weeks, but it's
>not as easy to use when you have twins! I would one baby and
>the other would get worked up, so I didn't get to use it as
>much as I'd like. However; what I did was soothing, not too
>hard and the babies did enjoy it, too.
>Hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions.

Thanks, Tricia, for sharing your thoughts on it!! It arrived at the office last week (while I was on vacation :)). I'm excited to try it out tonight.

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