The most amazing woman in your life


Something about the posts recently got me to thinking today about inspiring, admirable women, and it suddenly dawned on me that my mother is, in her own quiet way, the most amazing woman I know.

My mother celebrated her 70th birthday this month.

She had dropped out of college at the age of 19 to marry my father and start a family. When she was about 36 years old, she saw that many of the people she knew were getting divorced, and she thought it might be a good idea if she got a job so that she could start her own "little bank account". She took a job as a clerk working for the state government processing unemployment claims. She worked her way up the ranks until, by the time she retired, she had been an Appeals Tribunal judge of unemployment cases for many years, writing well-reasoned opinions that were almost always upheld (and occasionally even admired) by the highest courts of the State. My mother's steady salary and excellent benefits allowed my father to take a chance and start his own business, which had always been his dream.

She and my Dad were health advocates, who ate clean and exercised frequently, and enjoyed excellent health. My Dad loved his work, and kept promising that he was going to retire soon so they could start enjoying more leisure time together. My mother was particularly looking forward to having the time to travel for periods of longer than a week or two once my Dad finally gave up his job.

My Dad was still working 4 days a week at the age of 71 and loving it when the diagnosis of cancer of the pancreas came in 2004. My Mom spent six months tending to his every need, and then, in October, he was gone. Suddenly, she was on her own after 49 years of marriage, and she was completely devestated.

My Mom had been part of a book club. A group of about 10 women who were all in their 60s and 70s and who loved literature, and met to discuss books. The group met regularly, but never socialized together. About a year or two before my Dad died, my Mom decided to invite all the women and their husbands over for a New Year's party. Everyone had such a great time together, and the party was such a resounding success, that the couples started to socialize together more and more. When my Dad died, the women from the group, out of concern for my Mom, started planning more events for just the women, without their husbands, so my Mom would feel comfortable. My Mom also joined a support group of women who had recently lost loved ones, where she made several new friends.

It has now been about 15 months since my Dad died, and my Mom is doing fine. It has been difficult, but slowly but surely, she has gone back to most of the things she used to do. She drives to Pennsylvania to visit with her grandkids now, has taken trips to Florida and California to visit family and friends. She has come on family vacations with us. She has gone back to going to the theater, to museums and restaurants and doing all the things she loves to do. She is living again.

And then some. If I want to see my Mom now, I have to make an appointment with her several weeks in advance. Her date book is constantly filled with activities with her friends from the book club and her friends from the support group. I have met most of them, and they are the loveliest people you would ever want to meet.

When my Mom turned 70 this month, she called it her "Polish wedding birthday". The celebrations went on for days. The family took her out on the weekend, and her girlfriends had a party for her during the week. The lunches and gifts still have not stopped. She thought she would be upset on her birthday, but, to her surprise, she was fine.

To me, she is absolutely amazing.

Who is the most amazing woman in your life?

my grandmother, i won't get into a long story LOL. i would bore you all to death but this is a woman that was raised by her grandmother in a time when that was not a common thing(parents just took off) she survived the depression,wars,the poor house,US LOL(she raised us for half of our lives too), and now her husband with a crippling disease,yet she can still laugh too.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

What a moving tribute to your Mom. She sounds like an amazing woman.

I lost my Mom almost 2 years ago. (It must have been right before you lost your Dad). There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her. She, too, was an incredible, inspirational, wonderful person. She cared for my Dad, who was in really bad health, the whole year before she died. In a cruel twist of fate, she was the one who died when we thought we were going to lose Dad. She was the strongest, most resiliant, caring, kindest, sweetest person I've ever known. Some days I still can't believe she's gone.

I am so glad your Mom has found so much joy in her life since your Dad passed away. My parents were married 48 years, so their situation was the same, but in reverse since Mom died and Dad lived.

My Dad now lives with us (DH, DS and I), and I take care of him since his health is not good. I have to tell you, there was a time he needed lessons from your Mom on how to cope. It has not been an easy 2 years with him, dealing with his health and his grief, but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Time does heal, although you never quit missing the Mom or spouse you lost.

Hugs to your wonderful Mom. I know you are proud of her! :)
I doubt I would be bored, but she sounds amazing from the little that you've told us. Wow! How old is she now?
Jeanne Marie-
Thanks so much for responding to my very long post.

I am so sorry about your loss. Yes, it does sound very similar to my parents' situation, and it does sound like we lost our parents at about the same time. How lucky you were to have such a special Mom.

I also think it is awesome that you have taken your Dad into your home. That could not have been an easy thing to do. It's difficult enough to deal with the loss of a spouse, but your Dad lost his caretaker too. That must have been so difficult for all of you.

Thanks so much for sharing. Hugs to you and your family!

>I doubt I would be bored, but she sounds amazing from the
>little that you've told us. Wow! How old is she now?
mid-eighties with 2 more great grandchildren on the way for a total of 4. she never though she would live to see great grandchildren let alone so many.

i think my hand would cramp with the stories she has told me. i know she was a stay at home mom for many years with 3 kids while granddad worked 2 jobs.they were both part of the rescue squad and in her mid thirties she went to the police academy and worked for the police department until she retired. unfortunely she is also a stubborn women who is quite upset at selling her home, she went looking into retirment communities and all she wanted was a place to shovel snow,mow grass, and take the trash. she told a few of the directors that SHE can CLEAN HER OWN HOUSE LOL. she also yells at the elderly drivers on the road. yeah the retirment community is going to love this little firecracker. but my granddad is not handling his condition well and he can barely make up the stairs so they have to go somewhere safe for him. but she won't move down next to me :-( where i would be willing to help. like i said she is stubborn old woman who wants what she wants and she wants to stay at the jersey shore. LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

I just wanted to say what a beautiful story that was. I didn't want it to end. :) I'm happy that your mom is doing so wonderfully. Good for her! She must be fabulous to have so many friends.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
The most amazing woman in my life is definitely my SIL.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 15 years ago at the age of 29. Since then, she has been through so much as the cancer has taken over her body - lumpectomy, radiation, 5 years of tamoxifen, chemotherapy, more radiation, hysterectomy, a tube inserted in her lungs to keep fluid drained out, weekly treatments to keep her spine strong, broken bones when she fell due to a seizure and gamma knife surgery on a brain tumor last year. Through all of this, she has been a wonderful mother, wife, daughter, friend, etc. She has kept her job and volunteers at her daughter's school.

She lives life to the fullest despite her illness and has handled it with such dignity and courage. The only time I've ever heard her complain is when she cried that she wouldn't be able to give her daughter a sibling because she had to have a hysterectomy. I look at her and can't believe that she's as sick as she is - she just won't let this awful disease ruin the time she has left with us.

I am in awe of her.

Nancy, what a beautiful tribute to your mother. Your love and admiration for her is so apparent and so touching. I chose my mother also. She is also a quiet woman. Her calm strength, love, compassion and kindness have bolstered me through my whole life. She taught me unconditional love and has been a source of strength always. She has shown how sacrifice and endurance is a mother's greatest gift and I love her with all my heart and soul.

Thank you, Nancy, for reminding me of that and for sharing your mother with us all.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Bobbi, yes, from the little you've told me about her, it's quite obvious that your Mom is absolutely terrific. Thank you so much for your lovely post.

Nancy, your mom sounds not only amazing, but inspiring! Wow!! Thanks for sharing, and your little story will go into the part of my mind I reach towards when I am having a bad day...the part for wonderfully inspiring people.

What a beautiful story. I am fortunate to have an amazing mom, sister and sister-in-law. It's an embarrassment of riches for me!

I would bet everything that if you asked your mom about her greatest accomplishment in that list of accomplishments, she would say that you left off the one of which she is most proud: raising you!


I was moved to tears by your post. Your SIL and her family--and you!--are in my prayers. Thank you for putting it all into perspective!

Awww, Nancy that is wonderful! Your mom sounds like such an amazing, strong woman, and I know that she must be proud of you as well.

My mom is that most amazing woman in my life, too. My sister and I call her Superwoman because there isn't a thing that she can't do or hasn't mastered. Except for dancing. She can do it, but she isn't so graceful at it! :p She is the most selfless person I know and I try to hard to imitate her. She is loyal, has integrity and doesn't gossip. She considers others better than herself. She is one of the most beautiful woman I know, inside and out, and doesn't even realize it. She is surprised when she is given a genuine compliment as to how great she looks or to how talented she is. She worked two jobs through college to pay for college while she had my sister, brother and I, worked her butt off and did her absolute best until she was asked to be the director of a hospital at the mere age of 39. She ran her first marathon at 40 and finished while running the whole thing. NO matter what happened in our lives, she never let us give up and she always pushed us to do our best with intergrity and always wanted us to be considerate of others no matter what they do to you. (I am not quite sure if that one has stuck to me, though! :p ) This is a lot longer than I wanted it to be, but in short she is amazing!

Awwwww, Paula, I think you are right. She is very proud of raising me and my two brothers. And she had 3 of us in diapers at the same time! She says it was like raising triplets.

You are so lucky! I sure wish I had a sister.


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