"the Method" to candori

Hi there! (I know I've read your name before, but I can't remember it... LOL! Anyway, I hope candori is sufficient!).

Ok, I did a LOT of research on increasing your chances for a particular gender. I went to several bookstores, where the only book I could find was by Dr. Shettles, and after doing internet research on him, I found a lot of controversy, as well as not very high success rates.

On the internet, I found two seemingly valid methods, both that were not very expensive (some sites are $200 or more, but they "GUARANTEE" the result....still, who has that kind of dough?). One seemed a little hit-or-miss to me, and the other was much more along the lines of what I'd heard/read before.

The science is based on the idea that the uterus is much more harboring to female sperm before ovulation occurs, and a better environment to the male sperm AFTER ovulation occurs. So if you have intercourse well before ovulation, the male sperm will have likely died off before ovulation occurs, and thus, only female sperm remain to fertilize the egg.

In a nutshell, you time your "intercourse" around your ovulation date, predicted and measured by a few months of recording and your basal body temp (and ovulation predictor tests, if you wish). By getting to know your cycle and your symptoms of ovulation VERY WELL, your chances only increase of having the child of your dreams (although ANY healthy child is what matters, of course). The science itself is a well-known process that was confirmed to me by a friend of mine, who has taught family planning over the years.

For a girl, you time your intercourse as far before ovulation as possible, but close enough so you don't completely rule out the possibility of conception. If you ovulate on day 14, and you don't get pregnant on day 11 (I tried for 2 months), bump it up to day 12, and bump it again if necessary. I got preg the first try on day 12. you have intercourse on the planned day and then abstain (or use prophylactics) until you are sure you are no longer fertile (usually a week or so after ovulation).

For a boy, you want to time intercourse as far AFTER ovulation as possible, but not so far you are out of the fertility window. So, again, if ovulation is day 14, have intercourse day 17 for two months, then bump back to day 16, etc. You just have to get to know YOUR cycle length, most importantly.

My friend also mentioned monitoring your cervical mucous (she claims that temperature is so erratic, an d I agree with that one! I almost solely used the mucous and the timing.). Your cervical mucous will increase the days leading up to ovulation, and then it will completely change consistency once you ovulate. That can confirm what you are measuring by date, temp, and ovulation predictor (optional).

I am a case-in-point example of the method, as my son was not planned, and I told my hub we needed to be careful, as it was day 14 of my very regular 28-day cycle, and BOOM! He was a boy! This time, we bumped relations to day 12, and we are having a girl.

Hope this helps! Man, I've been ramblng forever! LOL!

Michelle in So Cal
Thanks SO MUCH Michelle!

Gee, you just saved me a lot of research!!! I'll definitely tuck this information away for later use. My sister-in-law just had a baby girl and she's so sweet I could just eat her up. Please don't get me wrong...I am perfectly and completely aware that I would be blessed with either gender, so I certainly don't want to sound petty.

We are thrilled to be expected our first baby, a boy, in January...but deep, deep down I admit that I've already been daydreaming about giving him a little sister.

Thanks again.
RE: Thanks SO MUCH Michelle!

<<Please don't get me wrong...I am perfectly and completely aware that I would be blessed with either gender, so I certainly don't want to sound petty.
We are thrilled to be expected our first baby, a boy, in January...but deep, deep down I admit that I've already been daydreaming about giving him a little sister.

Oh, I don't get you wrong at all! LOL! No worries. Yes, we are so blessed with healthy children. But we also all know MANY MANY people with 3, 4, 5 of the same gender who keep going... and it cannot always be that they like to keep having kids (although I know some do).

My hub told my SIL about our method and told her to talk to me about it if she decided to get preg again (she has 3 girls), yet she just went for it and didn't pick my brain. When she was preg with her youngest, everyone, including the ultrasound tech, thought it was a boy... and they have voiced before that they didn't want more kids (all of them are "accidents," so to speak). So I think there must be something more there, if they continue to have these "unplanned" babies; maybe a deep-seated wish for a little boy.

There is no shame in working with the natural way of things to try to draw your own picture, right? We've been given this gift of understanding of science and nature, so why not use it? I knew we only wanted 2 kids, so it's great to have one of each... and I just love all the girlie stuff out there. When I saw the "3 lines" during my ultrasound (the eveidence of female genitalia), you cannot imagine the feeling I had. And I still have it! :D

I'm proof it works, if you take your time and don't rush it all. You can email me at [email protected] if you'd like the name and phone number of where to get the book (I might be able to find the website, too).

Michelle in So Cal

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