Hi Connie,
I recently borrowed "The Maker's Diet" from the library and have read the first couple chapters. It's very interesting. I do think that most of the books I've read or glanced through are very similar and that the fundamentals are pretty much the same --
Stay away from:
Refined sugar/flour
Processed food
Live foods (fresh fruits/veggies, sprouted grain bread, etc.)
Whole grains (whole oats, whole grain breads/cereals)
Lean protein (mostly fish, but also chicken, turkey)
LOTS of water
(Portions/ratios of food groups are important, too.)
Get good rest. Manage stress. EXERCISE. Get fresh air regularly.
Books I've read or begun reading recently: Lean Bodies, Lean Bodies Total Fitness, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, The Maker's Diet, South Beach Diet.
I also saw part of a lecture by Dr. Lorraine Day, which seemed very similar to the Maker's Diet. She was on PBS last weekend.
Lately I've noticed my desire for sugar is going away. YAY!
Marla G.