The Maker's Diet


I'm reading it now and it's very interesting! In the past I have read Body 4 Life, The McDougall book (name?) Dean Ornish's book, Business Plan for the Body, and many more. I also took Biochemistry and Nutrition in college.

It seems sometimes like the more we learn, the less we know. Thoughts?

Hi Connie,

I recently borrowed "The Maker's Diet" from the library and have read the first couple chapters. It's very interesting. I do think that most of the books I've read or glanced through are very similar and that the fundamentals are pretty much the same --

Stay away from:
Refined sugar/flour
Processed food

Live foods (fresh fruits/veggies, sprouted grain bread, etc.)
Whole grains (whole oats, whole grain breads/cereals)
Lean protein (mostly fish, but also chicken, turkey)
LOTS of water
(Portions/ratios of food groups are important, too.)

Get good rest. Manage stress. EXERCISE. Get fresh air regularly.

Books I've read or begun reading recently: Lean Bodies, Lean Bodies Total Fitness, Your Body's Many Cries for Water, The Maker's Diet, South Beach Diet.

I also saw part of a lecture by Dr. Lorraine Day, which seemed very similar to the Maker's Diet. She was on PBS last weekend.

Lately I've noticed my desire for sugar is going away. YAY! :)

Marla G.

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