The Girl Scout cookies are here! The Girl Scout


cookies are here!

They're too expensive, lusciously bad for you and OH SO YUMMY!!!!


Susan L.G.
I know....ordered $24 worth :eek: :eek: but, I haven't opened em YET!! Have you tried the All Abouts, they're to die for :9 :9. Last year, I brought over $30 worth:9 I can't help it.

Oh wait, the ordering season has already passed? Yahoo! Nobody aske dme and I don't have any on the way! I snuck through a season without having ten boxes of cookies staring me in the face ;)
:9 LOVE Girl Scout cookies! I would've been fine with a box or two, but DH went and ordered us SIX boxes. Oy! I'm afraid I'll have to kill him now. :p But first I'll need some Thin Mints for strength...
Watch out Christine! You're not out of the woods yet. You just might get accosted in front of your local grocery store/JoAnn Fabrics/Walmart, etc. My daughter is a Brownie and although we've already distributed the preorders, we are selling more in a "cookie booth" on Sunday to all those poor souls who forgot to buy! Put your blinders on and resist. That's more than I can do, as the mom of a Brownie I bought 11 boxes!:eek: (To help with the sale, of course.);)

Take care,

They are just WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too expensive - I refuse to pay that much, I don't care how good they are. I'm sure I can get some cookies that Ernie Keebler or Archway makes that are comparable.
They are expensive, but, like any product sold from an organization, it's not so much the cookies that you're paying for, but to give to the organization itself. According to the GS website:

"Cookie revenue" helps local councils:

Recruit and train volunteer leaders for each troop/group.
Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites.
Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum.
Sponsor special events and projects.

I don't mind giving to something like that, and getting a tasting treat in the process. }(
I am not swayed by innocent looking little girls selling boxes of sinful pleasure. Nay...not me. I'm NOT gonna buy the cookies. :p :7
Damn it, now all I can think about are my THIN MINTS that haven't arrived yet!!!! :p

(hey, since "thin" is in the name, they MUST help you to lose weight, right?)
Hey Michele, you haven't met my DD! She even developed a line to sell the sugar-free cookie. :eek: You wouldn't believe the poor souls that ended up buying from her! I told her she seriously needs to pursue a career in business. You should see her kick arse lemonade stand :eek: :7 Those cookies are pure evil, but oh so yummy! :)
I have such a weakness for GS cookies. Back when I was a GS, my Mom must have bought 3 cases of thin mints a year. LOL!!!!!

I think, so far, i've only bought three boxes. I plan to buy two more this weekend before the sale is up. They will go in my freezer and stay there - they need to last me the whole year. LOL!!
I had a friend who said - "Oh, the think mints are soooo good if you put them in the freezer. Then you can have them later with a glass of red wine..."


Screw the freezer! Those d*mn cookies are lucky if they survive the ride home in the truck!!!! LOL!

Susan L.G.
Nope - Samoas. I'm so glad someone in the cookies thread last week enlightened me that GS cookies only come in single serving boxes. NOW I don't feel so guilty!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
>I had a friend who said - "Oh, the think mints are soooo good
>if you put them in the freezer. Then you can have them later
>with a glass of red wine..."
>Screw the freezer! Those d*mn cookies are lucky if they
>survive the ride home in the truck!!!! LOL!
>Susan L.G.

They really are fantastic after being in the freezer. The taste is much more flavorful. You have to try it.

Also, did you know that Edy's has an ice cream flavor out "Girl Scout Thin Mints?" I have yet to try it. May pick some up this weekend..not sure if I would have the will power tho....

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