The finish line...


Finally, I'm in week 40 and praying that this baby makes his big debut soon. I never in a million years thought the wait would be this difficult towards the end.

Anyway, my question is this...

What does it mean to have your "membranes stripped" and does it always bring about labor?

Please, please advise!

I hope everyone is doing great.
Hi Angela,
I have been checking the pregnancy forum wondering how you were doing, glad to see you post. You definetly are in the home stretch. Sit back and relax. Enjoy a book or a movie because it will be a looong time before you can do any of that without interruptions :)

I don't know the answer to your questions but I am sure someone else will be able to .

If you are trying to get labor started go for a walk several times a day. That worked for me.

looking forward to hear your good news!

I believe that stripping the membranes is done to help the cervix dilate, and no, it does not necessarily bring on labor (I am State's Exhibit 1 on that one!).

Good luck and congratulations!
I just had to commiserate... I remember going to the doctor the day of my due date and leaving in absolute tears. I hadn't had a good night's sleep in weeks, I gained a bunch of weight all at once at the end (probably mostly water at that point), and the doctor told me I was dialated "maybe a centimeter" when another OB had told me a couple of weeks before that I was 2-3 cm. Once I started crying, my hormones wouldn't let me stop... and my quotes for the day were

"Waaaaah. The only thing I learned at this doctor's appointment is that I'm FAAAAAT!"


"Waaaaah. This baby is never coming out. I am going to be pregnant forever!!"

I've had a few friends who've had the membrane stripping thing, and then nothing happened and they had to be induced anyway... I don't think it's a sure thing to induce labor. Have sex instead... it might work, and even if it doesn't, it's got to be more fun than another internal exam and membrane stripping LOL :)

Happy pushing!
Hi Angela! Wow, who knows maybe you are delivering as I type. I'm so excited for you. Best of luck to you in the upcoming days. Life is soon to be forever changed........and oh so for the better:).
Oh you are so LUCKY!!! I am green with envy. I technically have 5 weeks to go. You are so close. I know it's hard, believe me but you've made it this far, you'll make it a few more days.

Not sure exactly what stipping the membranes is but I do know it's to help bring on labor.

Lucky, Lucky Girl! :) :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Hi Angela!

I haven't checked in for a LONG time until today! I hope you've had your baby by the time you read this! :) I almost made it to week 40...Clare Marie was born on Jan. 7th (my due date was Jan. 25th). Maya (2-1/2 y.o.) is doing really well being a big sister. After 2 weeks, I think we're finally getting into a groove. Clare has been a really good baby, so far. I'm looking forward to exercising soon. I'm planning to get the recent Cathe videos as a get-back-into-exercise treat. Can't wait!!!

Good luck and best wishes to you & your family!

I sure hope you had the baby by now but I just wanted to let you know about having your "membranes stripped". I had that done for my second pregnancy and I went into labor less than 24 hours after. As my doctor was doing an internal, she pulled on the cervix ( I was 1 cm) in a sweeping motion to widen the cervix. I was not preparred for it and it did hurt a little. I felt very uncomfertable walking for the next few hours as it was burning a little and I began having mild contractions after but it stopped at night. When I woke up I went into labor at 9 am and delivered at 4 pm. It worked for me and would do it again for my next one. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!!
I just wanted to wish you the best for an easy and healthy delivery for you and the baby. I am sure by now you have that adorable baby in your arms and if not are very close to it. I can't wait to here the good news!

Hi mari27
I had completed 38 weeks when I had this done. My doctor has no problem with helping things move along as long as you are past 38 weeks.
Don't know re: safety

But I'm sorry to say that it does hurt. However, by the time I got to that stage of the game, I was willing to throw myself off a building to get the baby out, so I guess it's all a matter of degree.

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