the condom broke :(


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-02 AT 03:17PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi all,
Something happened a few days ago and now I'm starting to panic. I had a baby in July. I took orthtricyclen for 2 months and hated it and went off last month. I have an appointment in January with a new gyn to get a lower dose pill. In the meantime, DH and I are using condoms and have been careful to avoid my fertile period. The condom broke 4 days ago and I really did not panic because I though I was day 6. I was counting from when my period ended. I just read that you count from the first day of your period, not the end, so it was really day 13. So I am panicking because my 3 kids were all conceived the first month we tried so we are really fertile. You would think I would have known how to count courrectly the days but I guess I was lucky with my other 3. ITs too late for emergency contraception because that need to be done within 48 hours.

My husband will FREAK and so will I if I'm pregnant now but I know its not out of the question. How soon will one of those home tests work? My baby is only 5 months old and my other 2 are 3 and 5.

Anyway I'm not gonna tell DH unless I miss my period because I don't want him to panic. No more sex for us until I get on the pill (if I'm not pregnant), its just not worth the stress!!!!)

And on the off chance that I am pregnant how did you all who had "suprize" pregancies break it to your husbands and how did they react??
Hi Marci,
Don't panic yet. Odds are that everything is ok. I think the home tests work as early as the day your period is due, but I just heard an advertisement for one that works even earlier. I would wait and see if I was late, though - too easy to get a false negative that early.
I just gave birth to our "surprise" 3 1/2 months ago (our 4th child). I told DH right after I did the test - he was very happy and surprised and adores our new daughter.
Good luck and let us know what happens!!
I have read that CVS

pharmacy brand home pregnancy tests are the most sensitive to HCG... and are cheaper than most, too... can use them the 1st day your period is late...

I think that what you are feeling is what most moms at this point postpartum do... I'm on micronor (progesterone only) and still BFing, so I should be safe, but with micronor, you have to take the pill within a couple of hours of the same time every day, or its effectiveness is seriously compromised... the first few months before Robby was eating solids, I didn't worry too much about that, but now I'm seriously worried every time I'm a half hour later... just not ready to be pregnant again!

I haven't had a period yet, and that's my other worry -- you hear these stories about women getting pregnant without ever having had a period... not that likely, but it does happen.

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