The Body Perfect Without the Need for Exercise?


Hi All,

Just a hypothetical question for you all.

Take a woman who is 40lbs overweight and duplicate her, so there are now 2 completely identical women.

Lady No 1 follows a clean eating and regular exercise lifestyle.

Lady No 2 just follows a clean eating lifestyle.

Who do you think would lose weight more quickly?

Following on from that:

If you could achieve the bodyshape, muscle definition and fitness level you desire simply by eating clean and nothing more, would you continue to exercise?

I know what my answer would be, but would love to hear your comments first!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Although I struggle with motivation to exercise on a regular basis, I know that exercise makes me FEEL better in so many ways other than just trying to lose weight. It gives me self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment, and the MUCH NEEDED energy that I lack after many hours of working, coming home and doing the kid stuff, etc. It also helps to clear my mind of unneeded stress.

Now, the next time I come to the boards begging for motivation, remind me of what I just said!!! hehehe!!
Obviously the one who exercises will lose weight faster because they are exerting more effort (calorie burn) during the same period of time.

As for your second question, yes, I would continue to exercise. I need challenge, something to work for, a mountain to climb as it were. Plus I want to climb a mountain, so I have to get stronger! LOL
Our non-exerciser would ultimately be heavier because as we hit our 4th decade of life, we begin to lose muscle mass and most people begin to become less active. As a result, there's a drop in metabolism which leads to that "middle aged spread". Our dieting and exercising friend will circumvent those changes by maintaining muscle mass and staying active. Even if the diet alone woman reduces her caloric intake to compensate for being less active, the loss of muscle mass will still cause her to add fat as she loses that metabolically active muscle tissue.

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
It is so funny you would ask this question now! I was just in the shower this morning thinking how much I truly enjoy working out. Not just for the weightloss benefits, which was why I started, but more for how it makes me feel during and afterwards. I am never sorry I worked out! Each time I feel a difference in my body, a new muscle or increased strength, or just the stamina I need to get through a hectic day and do 1,000,000 things, I'm so glad I work out, and push myself and my body to be all we can be. I just hope I'm never too old not to exercise, or incapacitated in some way that I cannot. Hell, I hope they bury me in my Ryka's!
For one thing, I could never rely on maintaining my weight by clean eating alone, I simply enjoy my chocolate & 'junk' indulgences too much!

As for exercising, it has become a permanent part of my life. If for some reason I skip it for a day, I feel something is missing. Regular exercise - whatever form it may be - has made me a stronger, more confidant person, and clears my mind. Some days I may not feel up to sweating it out, but after I force myself to do it, I always feel so great after. Who ever regrets a good exercise session??
Good question. I think I would still exercise, but probably not as often. I'd go from 6 days a week to 2 or 3. I agree with Bobbi that the woman who didn't exercise would eventually suffer from some health problems, including overweight. Diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimers's all are prevented with exercise, but if I magically really didn't have to do it to stay healthy, I can't honestly say I would do 6 or 7 Cathe/running/spin/swimming events every week. Maybe then Cathe could make some tapes like Power Min, Body Min, Circuit Min for those of us who just want to do the Minimum. :)
I didn't lose any weight when I started running, but kept at it because it made me feel so good, so I would still definitely run. I'd probably lift weights once a week, though, just to feel buff.
Well Bobbi has sorted out the lady number one versus lady number two for us, so I will respond only to the question: would I bother to work out?


Exercise makes my life possible. Before maintaining a regular exercise program my life as a teacher, grad student, mother and ex-pat had become untenable. I had reached break down point and no longer knew why I was doing the things I was pursuing, nor who I was. I hated life, resented my children and wanted to hide in a hole all day long hoping it would all go away.

I don't exercise to lose weight --sorry to those out there who battle with their weight-- I exercise to keep perspective, to have time that is just for me, to free my mind of all that negative energy that collects up there, to feel more positive about myself and the future, so that I can continue to be productive, and have the frame of mind necessary to be a good mother and teacher.

Anti-depressants calmed me down for a few months, but working out with Cathe (and a few select others!) totally renews me and helps me set goals and renew my optimism on a daily basis. There is no substitute for it.

Mogambo, that's great! I love the Body Min/Circuit Min etc!! Can't imagine Cathe doing anything other than intense workouts, though, eh?

Donna - I'm glad you replied. Do you think your weight loss would have been slower without the exercise?

As for me, exercising has been an integral part of my life for many years, and I just can't imagine not doing it. We all have times when we take a break, due to health or lifestyle reasons, but I for one always come back to my "exercise therapy". I get a buzz from working out unlike anything else in my life (although chocolate and sex are a close second - not necessarily in that order!! Use a jar of chocolate sauce while you make love to your partner and you've all 3 components there in one! He He!)
Ahem, sorry, lowering the tone!

Seriously, working out makes me feel fit, strong and gives me a great sense of accomplishment (especially when I've finished "Meaner Legs"!!).

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I love, love cardio and wouldn't give it up even if I could stay healthy and trim without it. BUT, if I am honest, I hate resistance training and wouldn't miss it if I didn't need it for bone density and muscle definition.
I'm with you, Clare! I used Paxil to get over a bump in my road but ultimately I weaned myself onto exercise and a clean diet. When I come in from a run I feel calm and happy and ready to tackle my busy life. Exercise is such an amazing life-enhancing thing!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
Hi! Long-time lurker, don't post much. This is a great question though, so I thought I'd throw in a comment.
To be totally honest, I'd probably exercise less.
Having said that, I'm so glad I live in this world, because when I work out consistently, my life is so much better! More energy, stronger, more confident, and I actually had fun shopping for clothes last week! A year ago I left a mall in tears. There's just no comparision between the two states of being.
P.S. Lady #1 wins the weight loss contest, of course.

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