The baggy vs tight pants look

Oh I had a guy wear that kind of pants in class today. Well it was actually a pair shorts with the top of the shorts around his mid thigh and black underwear showing through cuz his shirt wasn't long enough. He had to get up to give a speech and I thought his shorts was gonna fall off. He had to pull it up and hold it up. I actually don't understand why they wear it like that. It is not at all attractive.
Not only are both of these fads alive and well but so is the "pencil-thin" pants for guys...a-la 80's punk. I was too young to dislike them back then but know I definitly don't like them now! I like my man with a little meat on his bones so don't like the thin look a lot of the kids are sporting these days.

In the bank the other day, there was a young man at the counter doing several transactions with the teller. He kept hiking his pants up changing positions. All this while signing things and passing documents back and forth with the teller. I kept waiting for him to not be fast enough to grab the pants before they fell down. He ended up standing in a wide "V" to be able to continue his transactions.

The young girls with the too-tight or too low pants - see that all the time since I have two boys in high school. Horrible muffin tops - there's some satisfaction that if I wore pants that low, I'd look better in them than they do. Yet I have sense enough not to wear anything with so much midriff exposure.

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Muffin tops?

Diane, muffin tops on young girls? I feel better already! At least I've earned mine, having had 2 kids past age 35.

I've got all of this confused skin that doesn't know where to go, so it just hangs over my waistband. I could probably lose 20 pounds (I'm at my ideal weight) and would still have that skin, and nothing -- short of surgery -- is going to get rid of it!

The one thing I really dislike about these fads: Sooner or later my own kids will want to dress that way! :confused: Then it gets personal!

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