The amazing effects of calcium


Just wanted to share with those who haven't heard the recent news about the connection between calcium consumption and weight control. I'm not sure I understand it all, but, for example, this is from a website for a calcium product called Coracal:

"The findings, published in December issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, support previous research showing that, " individuals who consume the most calcium have lower body fat.....They recommend that young women who want to lose weight consume about 1,950 calories a day, 5,000 international units (IU) of vitamin A, and 1,000 mg of calcium."

I have been taking notice of findings like this because for a while now I've been eating ridiculous quantities of (low fat) ice cream, while maintaining the weight recommended by the BMI charts. I first heard about it in an article in Prevention magazine about the "Ice Cream Diet".

I'm definitely not recommending that anyone add more ice cream to their diet (the sugar content is awfully high). I am not proud of how much ice cream I eat. However, it looks like there may be a lot of reasons these days to add more calcium to your diet (in less sugary ways).

Best of health!

Forget low fat ice cream.

Yoghurt, tinned fish with the bones kept in like salmon, tuna, sardines..., fortified cereal, fortified orange juice

These are better options and your overall health will thank you for it!

All these foods fit into an NY, small kitchen, busy lifestyle, hate to cook type scenario!


Love your British "accent" on these terms.

I also recommend low-fat "yoghurt", cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, leafy greens such as spinach and kale.

But as far as I can see, "tinned" tuna doesn't contain an iota of calcium. Too bad for me cause I eat the stuff all the time!

My nutritionist told me to get more calcium. I automatically thought ICE CREAM! However, she told me I shouldn't eat ice cream in order to get calcium. There are much better sources for it. Oh well. I guess ice cream is better than doughnuts though!

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