<--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock star...

<--- is here, is here!
<--- is LHAO at Beth's comment about plating food that doesn't involving cramming every available space in a basket with fries:p
<--- is :eek: at some of the weight being lifted by you lovely ladies
<--- jumps up and down and squeals 'JUDY - it's so good to see you!'
<--- tells Lorie to get her butt moving and do CC PP!
<--- thinks that if Schmoopy went grocery shopping, he would come back with lots of pancakes and waffles and maybe one cookie, just to hold though, not to eat ;)
<--- waves to Miss Lee and tells her that <--- can't wait to do CC PP with her tomorrow!
<--- wants to go to NYC with Catherine
<--- wants to go to Sephora with Beth
<--- wants to be independently wealthy so she can go to all the places she wants to!
<--is with Shelly on being independently wealthy
<--wants to visit every exotic place<--reads about!
<--might have to go check out the thread in Ask Cathe
<--Thiks Catherine should include a massage with her haircut/pedi!
<--is also impressed with Debbies 90lbs of lifting!
<--Waves at lori and agrees we need to dump our scale!;)
<--is drooling over the very thought of fries:9
<--is done with PH and feels good,just as <--suspected!
<--says mission accomplished
<--benched 75 successfully 1x4, 3x5 & 1x4
<--says not as many reps per set as 70# but will take it :D
<--tells Beavs her post on the thread in ? was very well stated
<--agrees about spending so much energy on negative
<--has <--'s moments but truly tries to stay positive
<--waves Hi to Senorita Judy (is senorita spelled right?)
<--grabs an extra duffle bags and packs up Shelly to take with me next week!!
<--says mmmmmmmmm freeeench fries in best Homer Simpson voice
<--tells Carola <--say that post about PMs and was pulling out <--'s dynaband but thought ehhhh, she ain't worth it
<--wants to know what time pizza is at Ms Lee's?
<--sends Lori BGR
<--hopes Beth gets her wish of eating real food!!
<--sounds like Elanieee has a busy weekend



<---is here
<---feels fairly crappy
<---slept in, got to work late and will probably leave early
<---had better, dang it, feel better for CC PP tomorrow!
<---has to get moving now and try to actually do some work
<---apologizes for the lack of personals;(
<--is with Shannon
<--has been getting to bed late, waking up late and getting into work late
<--has also been posting on the Cathe boards at night while no one is around
<--is always behind everyone else :-(
<--wonders if any of you saw that <--'s DIL was on MSNBC yesterday?
<--thought it was pretty cool
<--checked out Carola's puppy website and WANTS ONE!!!
<--will take any one that is available
<--thinks those may be the cutest pups of ALL TIME
<--hasn't read this whole thread yet
<--needs to go back and read more

<--is back to say <-- loved Patti's post on the flame thread! :D
<--- invites Catherine, and anyone else who wants to come, over for pizza tonight
<--- says to come around 9:30 PM
<--- knows thats awfully late, but it should give you plenty of time to get here;)
<--- {{{{{CUZ}}}}}
<--- tells Cuz that CC PP will make her feel fantastic!!
<--- saw Nance's post last night and took the test!
<--- is happy to report that she passed with flying colors
<--- spent the evening with damily last night
<--- 's DN (dear nephew) had the lead in his 8th grade class play and they watched the video last night:+
<--- is pleased and proud to say her DN stole the show!!
<--- truly enjoyed the evening and watching that video, but laments how quickly everyone is growing up
<--- is now just a little teary eyed
<--- got an official diagnosis of tennis elbow from her BIL last night
<--- 's BIL is a Physical Medicine specialist
<--- will be following his treatment suggestions and is happy to report that the dang elbow is getting better everyday
<--- will post a recipe in Beavs green bean thread after awhile
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- marches out of supervisor's office & straight into the thread
<--- thanks all of you again for all the late afternoon indignance & advice
<--- will be managing the construction project that <--- designed after all!
<--- is happy about that but is still not happy that it was even an issue
<--- still doesn't understand why it was either
<---'s supervisor said he didn't think <--- would want to get dirty
<--- HUH?!?
<--- thinks that sounds pretty bogus since <--- keeps an extra pair of works shoes & a hard hat in <---'s vehicle & <---'s supervisor knows that!
<--- is still feeling a little indignant about the whole situation but glad the resentment is gone
<--- thinks resentment might be the worst emotion/feeling there is
<--- apologizes for the self-absorbed post
<--- also apologizes to those who may not know what the heck <--- is talking about
<--- will read ^^^ & come back for personals in a bit!
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- ^5's Kel for taking charge of the situation and regaining control of her project
<--- thinks Kel's supervisor is a jerk
<--- agrees that letting go of resentment is a wise choice
<--- believes festering resentments will rot out your soul
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

"<--- believes festering resentments will rot out your soul"

<--- knew there was a reason <--- didn't have a soul
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- tells Shelley to STOP THAT
<--- knows Shelley has a lovely soul and a kind heart to go with it
<--waves a good morning to the oal
<--wishes she could bench like catherine!
<--also agrees not to sweat the missed w/o's!
<--did PH earlier this week and was dying w/25#
<--is head over heels in love with those puppies!!!!
<--wants one :(
<--congratulates amelia on the loss!
<--wonders why shelley doens't wanna do the wedding thing?
<--likes weddings b/c <--loves to dance and eat good food, lol
<--now wishes she could bench like debbie!
<--thinks a good dynaband snap is just what <--needs today
<--wants everyone to come to nyc to hang out :)
<--waves hello to judy
<--throws some butt glue remover to lorie
<--tells michele that <-- also loves pizza fridays!
<--is going to in laws for dinner tonight, so no pizza :(
<--is sure mil is going to make something that <--doesn't particularly like and then act like she doesn't know that <--likes to eat healthy foods
<--rolls eyes
<--can not believe that in the time it has taken for <--to finish typing this post at work, amelia finished PH
<--thinks that's actually quite sad, lol
<--is sorry kel's boss was so ridiculous but is thrilled that she will get to manage the project!
<--wonders how long it took shelley's soul to rot away?
<--is harboring much resentment towards dh today b/c when <--made a comment about being tired, dh said "i don't understand what you've done this week to make you so tired"
<--- doesn't want to do the wedding thing because:

(a) it's a far drive
(b) there's no dinner or dancing, just cocktails and appetizers and there will likely be nothing <--- can eat
(c) will have to spend time with her SO's family
(d) is grumpy and feels fat and not at all like getting dressed up - would rather be home in sweats working in her garden

<--- is super glad that Kel got her stuff sorted out
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- is back after reading ^^^ thoroughly
<--- will not be doing CCPP tomorrow because <--- will be working with DH & also because <--- doesn't have CCPP
<--- doesn't believe for one minute that Shelley is flabby or out of shape!
<--- is duly impressed with Catherine's weightlifting abilities!
<--- tells Amelia to believe the scale when it's down, otherwise ignore it!
<--- loves Carola's pups & hopes she enjoys PUB
<--- is now duly impressed with Deb's weightlifting abilities!
<--- is feeling quite weak & inadequate now - LOL
<--- is really glad to see Beavs today & hopes she enjoys her doggie hike tomorrow!
<--- is jealous of Catherine's pedicure but hopes she enjoys it!
<--- hopes Elainee finishes baking & painting soon
<--- hopes Beth enjoys her peaceful evening
<--- is glad to see Judy & says Hola!
<--- hasn't looked at the eye-rolling thread
<--- will need to go find it after finished posting here
<--- hopes Lori gets her workout in
<--- thinks she's a really good person & tells her to ignore the flamers
<--- wants to eat pizza with Michele
<--- wants fries now too
<--- (((Shannon))) - hope you feel better & thinks CCPP may do the trick tomorrow
<--- is with Nancy in oversleeping lately
<--- missed her DIL on MSNBC but thinks that's cool too!
<--- is glad Michele's elbow is starting to heal
<--- knows Shelley has a lovely soul & also tells her to stop that
<--- is amazed by Cody's DH's statement & sorry she had to endure dinner at her in-law's
<--- would love to visit NYC someday!
<--- hopes Shelley ends up enjoying the wedding but understands why she doesn't want to go
<--- wrote a book so <--- will leave now
<--- must find the thread in question but will probably be sorry after reading it
<--tells Nancy that Linus said "cutest pup of all time" is reserved for him
<--tells Nancy Linus is now pouting :(
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<---says, holy wow, lots o' chattin'
<---is back and had an egg white sammich
<---is drinking java...don't faint
<---thanks all for the kind words about <---
<---doesn't talk about that stuff much but feels proud
<---did itread18, chins/pullups, and abs
<---thinks grace is a crazy woman :eek:
<---managed pullups in sets of 2s and then 1..alternated w/ chins for 40 total
<---has to finish laundry and get ready for grocery shopping this afternoon
<---whoop E do.
<---hugs and shmoochies to all


It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--agrees that Grace must be crazy, but *hearts* her!!!
<--finished CCPP and got some good mileage in
<--really likes that w/o
<--thinks Cody's husband needs a big snap with a dynaband
<--is glad Michele's elbow is on the mend
<--is uber impressed with all the heavy weight ladies
<--doesn't think <--will ever be able to reach those highs
<--sometimes still has to do cheat push-ups on knees!
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- finally read the thread in ?, along with a couple of others &...
<--- is now rolling her eyes furiously
<--- doesn't understand why people want to be combative
<--- is again impressed with Deb's workout
<--- is also impressed with Lorie's workout
<--- also has to do pushups on the knees sometimes
<--- can usually eke out a few on the toes, though
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--comes back in to say daaaaaaamn Deb 40 chinups!!! AWESOME!!!
<--apologizes for language *blushing*
<--tells Michele she took the words right out of <--'s mouth- "Shelly Stop It!"
<--is glad Kel get to get dirty LOL
<--guesses your supervisor thought he was doin you a favor?
<--tells Nancy <--meant to post about your DIL's test
<--didn't get to see her on MSNBC but is impressed with her work!!
<--also passed the test- whew- wonders sometimes LOL!!
<--hopes Cody can make the best of whatever she has at the in-laws for dinner
<--needs a nap
<--wt lifting makes <--tired :eek:



RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<-- is telling Lorie, will come over and do LaundryMax, if Lorie comes over and does Clean Max at <-- house
<-- hasn't read much personals
<-- just says, <-- is in deep ####
<-- agreed to take the Maverick puppy in addition to Shiloh, if noone bought him by 12 weeks old
<-- agreed to take him two weeks from now in addition to Shiloh until sold or 12 weeks old
<-- is afraid, very afraid!!!
<-- DH WILL strangle <-- 's neck
<-- HELP
<-- is really sorry for self absorbed post but is in dire need of backup, advice, anything
RE: <--- That ain't all that goes with bein' a rock sta...

<--- thinks Carola is very kindhearted
<--- knows she loves her girl & the pups
<--- thinks she's doing the right thing
<--- thinks her DH will come around too
<---'s fingers are crossed for Carola!
<--- offers an idea: when you get Shiloh, appear to be shocked when you "realize" Maverick is there too... tell your DH that he must have snuck in when you weren't looking}( :+

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