Thanks Cathe from the bottom of my heart


Hi Cathe,

Thank you so much for all you do. You have literally saved me from being a depressed woman. You see, I've struggled with losing weight for a few years now. I've gone to the gym, tried different supplements and nothing has worked. My main problem is that I lose motivation easily and I'm not consistent. One day I saw you doing Power Hour on Fittv and I was so excited because you were doing a workout I thougt I could only do at the gym. I immediately loved you. I acquired several of your workouts and am trying to follow your rotations, well I modify most of the time. I am now working out in the comfort of my own home and thanks to you I think I have found the formula to being fit and healthy which helps with the depression. I've already lost a few pounds already.

Formula: Cardio, weights, stretch, eat clean and sleep hard.

I'm very happy and learn so much from your advice on these forums as well as from all the members here.

You're an awesome woman! :)
Hi Yadi! What a special note, thank you! You are on your way!!!! Keep up the great work.

Oh and just a few more reminders to help you reach your goals...drink lots of water, listen to your body, and stay focused and committed :7

Happy Workouts!

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