Thank you Kathy S.!



You did an awesome job putting together the rotation volume(s). I enjoy your editor's notes especially. Everyone submitted awesome rotations and they all look so killer! I know it took plenty of time, not only compiliing, but sending out the rotations.


Thanks from me too! When I finish my M&FHers 8 week plan I'm going to start in on some of these vol. 4 killers!
I second that motion! Once again, you have done a fabulous job of presenting such a great variety of rotations from this wonderful group of people! I always print out posted rotations that look interesting to me, but your volumes put them all together in a very useful, informative way and include many I haven't seen before.

Thanks again, Kathy! :)

Kathy S.,
I too would like to add my thanks to you for the rotations you sent. I really appreciate all your efforts.
Hi Kathy!!

I want to chime in my thanks as well for the time you spent putting together the rotations!! I've got LOTS of work ahead of me now!!

~ Nicole :)

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