Thank you, DebbieH!


Hi Debbie,
I feel like I know you so well from all of your posts, and I really enjoy lurkdom and anonymity, but I am so thrilled that you answered my husband's posts that I had to write. I am so glad to hear the good news about Julie, and hope she enjoys the rest of her pregnancy. Having 5 children, I know it should be a special time. Even though I don't post much, you should know that there are probably hundreds if not thousands of lurkers like me who also have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers whenever we read about them. You help to make this forum so enjoyable. Wishing you and your family all the best for the holidays.

I am sorry I missed this yesterday. Thank you for bumping it back up. Thank you so very much for your kind, kind words. It actually gave me a lump in my throat reading it! I am so glad you came out of lurkdom. We all have so much to share & this place has been one the very most precious gifts I have ever received (Cathe tapes too! :7) It was nice to "meet" Scott. I think it is great we have several guys here to get their thoughts, ideas and perspective on fitness. Thank you also for your thoughts & prayers for Julie. Words cannot tell you how much I appreciate that and I will pass this on to Julie. I KNOW she will be thankful also! I wish you a very wonderful CHRISTmas and a helathy and happy 2004! Looking forward to seeing both you & Scott around more often!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Me again!

Just wanted you to know that I called Julie and read her your post. She balled her eyes out and of course, I did too! (It was all I could do to read it to her!) She said to tell you thank you and everyone here who has kept her in their prayers. She was a bit down and has been very sick again since the "good" day and says it is sooo hard thinking she has almost 7 more months of this. Of course, I tried to encourage her and tell her it may ease up a bit as she goes along. (STILL praying for that!) Once again, thank you (& everyone here) for thinking of her. It means so much.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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