Thank God for this site!


I am so thrilled, and quite honestly thanking God for everything around me lately. I just found out I am pregnant. I am recently remarried and 37 years old. My husband and I want a baby badly. I was afraid that my age would make it more difficult for me to get pregnant, but here I am after just two months of trying. I was going to get on here and ask about books about fitness during pregnancy, but just read about some in the previous post. If there are any others please recommend them..

Are there any abosolute do's and don'ts for exercising during pregnancy. I am in pretty good shape. I have a solid fitness base and am feeling well so far. I would like to continue most of what I do with perhaps a few modifications. I was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism, but am having great success with my medicine. I really haven't felt better.

I am so glad this site is here to lend support and good solid advice. I have been on other sites that don't offer anything but a place to whine. I love how positive this forum is.

Just wanted to share! wr
Do's and Don'ts For Pregnancy

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON May-29-00 AT 03:58PM (EST)</font></center>

LAST EDITED ON May-29-00 AT 03:58 PM (EST)

Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to our forum. You are not alone. I conceived my two children at age 40 and 42. Just keep on exercising. It makes the world of difference.

As for your question as far as "do's and don'ts"... My recommendation to you is to buy "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by Dr. James Clapp. Of all the references mentioned on our forum, I believe that overall this one is the best. It was written by "the father of prenatal execise research." I would also like to add "Essential Exercises For the Childbearing Year" by Elizabeth Noble to the resources mentioned lately on the forum. This book deals a lot with abdominal and pelvic floor training, a must for all women.

Remember to stay well hydrated and forget about heart rates to monitor your exercise intensity. Use the "talk test" (You should be able to speak 2-5 word sentences while you are working out) and "perceived exertion" (on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1 lying in bed and 10 running up the Washington Monument with twins on your back -- when you are pregnant you should exercise at around 5-6 which correlates to "fairly light to somewhat hard" for your exercise intensity).

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

Sheila Watkins

a quickie to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! We're sooo happy for you and your new husband! You have definitely come to the right place for some great advice and support. My babies are 27 & 21 so I'll leave any recommendations to others at this point but just wanted to say WELCOME and keep us informed.

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