TGIF Daily Checking May 26

Good Friday Morning Girls!

Today I have Leaner Legs, abs and my first outdoor run planned for today....but FIRST I have to hope that the pain goes away. x( Yes, it came back...that very same night while I was sitting still on the couch it returned and is been coming and going every since. GRRRRRRR!

Phyllis: Have fun with PLB. I'd be a little afraid to use the BB as well.
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning I'll be doing PS&MIS Triceps, SJP Step/HiLo and BM Abs.

Phyllis: I us DB for the leg presses too.

Wendy: I hope your neck feels better soon.

Hello to all that follow....TGIF:7:7:7:7
Good morning ladies

Phyllis...not sure if you would like this but I have done the leg presses in PLB with 3 different in resistence Dynabands...:)

Have a great time Wendy!! Sorry the pain is back...

Good workout Tammy

I am doing P90X back work, abs and a 4 mile run.

Have a great day...:)
Daily Check-in

Good morning! I am changing my rest day to Saturday this week and will likely keep it that way for the next few weeks. My weekends will be full.

I did Timesaver 5 this morning for the first time and love it. Legs and Glutes is my least favorite Cathe lower body workout, but I love this one. Cathe leaves out all the explosive lunges and adds kick-butt lunges that are really fun. I also like this one with the “normal mix” because it is easier for me to focus on executing the moves with good form. I love loud music but find that it distracts me.

Have a blessed Friday and holiday weekend!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good morning,

Wendy, I am sorry you are still in pain, is the doctor on the agenda????

Today was CTX Upper body and ab hits 3.

Tomorrow is hi/lo of some kind and abs.
Sunday - Treadmill, abs and stretch, I hope. We are going to a wedding Saturday night and will be spending the night at a hotel, so I want to take advantage of the workout facilities!
Monday - Amy Bento Bootcamp.

Have a great holiday weekend!
RE: Daily Check-in

Hey guys, I have lower body today.
Question, which is a better sub for GS legs (don't have it), PUB or legs and glutes??/
Also, i am really proud of the progress with my legs, they are pretty solid! but, I wouldn't mind if they slimmed a little. Other then the clean diet, should I do lower body work with little or no weights?? I dont want to lose any muscle either??
Just wondering yours opinions. Thanks guys

Carole do you run outside or treadmill??
Heather= glad you enjoyed WO
Wendy- have a great run, pain free i hope
Phyllis- may be attempting PLB today for 1st time
Tammy and COnni- have greeat WO and weekends!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]
RE: Daily Check-in

Morning all!

I've been on and off with my workouts because of my heinous sinus infection, but I managed to do HSC last night. Today is a Powerstrike.

Phyllis - I don't have the Pyramids, but they're next on my list.

Wendy - get that back looked at, girl!

Tammy - that's quite the mish-mosh you've got going on.

Carole - how's your weather these days?

Conni - how are you enjoying the Amy Bento workouts?

Heather - enjoy your rest day tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!
RE: Daily Check-in

Hey gals, I intend to call the doc if I'm not better by monday, I promise! :)

I was able to get in my run and ab work. I nixxed LL for the sake of these poor legs! I will have to put it on the agenda as part of my weight work for the upcoming week!}(

I am considering an early morning run on the boardwalk tomorrow if I can muster the energy.

Have a great weekend one and all!:7
RE: Daily Check-in

Hi Friends in Fitness!

Yesterday was an unplanned rest day because I caught a stomach bug.:-(

I was on the couch all day long with chills , a pounding head and of course my stomach wasn't behaving at all!!

Today it's still "iffy", but I'm feeling better. I did P90X biceps and back this morning and might do the 30 min. leg workout on todays rotation this afternoon if I feel up to it. Then I'll be caught up. Will wait at least another day before adding cardio though.


Good morning everyone!

This morning I did Imax for the first time. I've had the DVD for a few weeks, but I was working on Rhythmic Step. Imax is awesome. I got through the whole thing with minimal mods (can't take the jumping jacks, I subbed plyojacks - I think they're actually harder on me). I can't wait to do it again!!

Tomorrow will be a rest day. We're getting up at 4 am to go to the farmer's market and buy plants and flowers. THe rest of the weekend will be spent outside planting. I love this time of year.

Wendy - My DD's ortho told us that pain in NOT normal, so get it checked out. And if your dr doesn't take it seriously, get to a PT or an ortho. My dr thought I wasn't stretching enough when I went in for my back spasms. Turns out my lower back had been locked in the wrong position for about SIX YEARS!!!

Have a great Friday!
Morning ladies! I'm sick!!!:-( x( :-( My stomach has been upset for the last couple days, but I figured it was from my bad eating during my vacation. Well, I woke up this morning with a horrible sore throat and the thought of eating anything makes me sick. So, no workout for me today. I think I might just take the rest of the weekend off and start fresh on Monday. I HATE being sick!

WHOO HOOO for me, 5th day in a row of exercising and that is a record for me here lately, sigh. But I did it. Only did half of Hardcore Kickbox Circuit today because dh was making too much noise for me to be able to concentrate but I did do half so I did exercise!!!

I am sooo proud of myself, my weight is waaaaaaaaaaaaay up and I am hoping that it is my cycle bloating me up because otherwise all this stress I have been under in recent months has taken a terrible toll on my body. I am not happy with my weight at all, but can't seem to get the eating under control despite the fact that I am working out fairly regularly. sigh. I just don't want to give up on myself.

Have a great day!!:7
Unplanned rest day yesterday, spent the morning in Emergency with 11 year old Faith. She was goalie in a soccer tournie on Wednesday and severely hyperextended her wrist stopping a goal. She tore some ligaments in the palm side of her forearm and is wearing a half cast that we can remove when she needs to ice it. I'll start doing isometrics with her on Monday. We got the unholy run around Wednesday and Thursday, suffice it to say we sat in 10 waiting rooms in less than 24 hoursx( She's a trooper though and we had some really nice chats and giggles sitting in those waiting rooms.

Today was BodyStep and PUB. I was glad to fit in a long workout, I needed it}(

I'm off to bake some muffins for the Girls before they get home from school. Have a great day all!:D

Take Care
Hey Everyone!!
or should I say Good Evening....
I had a very hectic day so this is the first chance I got to do something for me besides workout this morning. I did GS Legs. Killer.... I got through my 5 days and now I will enjoy a weekend rest! Love it Love it!!!
Meaghan... I have PLB & Legs and Glutes. Their both excellent. The only thing I don't care for with PLB is that you have to keep changing the weights on the barbell for each set. All the way up and all the way down. In other words, lets say she starts you out with squats. She'll do 12 reps of light weight on your barbell, like I forget off hand but let's say...40. Then you stop and add 5 lbs to the weights and do 10 reps. Then you stop and add 5 more lbs and do 8 reps. Then you stop take off 5 lbs and do 10. Then you stop take off 5 lbs and do 12 again. So you do that for each excercise. Although, the workout is excellent, it goes fast too. That's the only thing that I find kind of tiring. I love the music in legs and glutes. It's a very intense workout. Hope I've helped you. I guess if I had a choice I would pick legs and glutes first. But definetly save up for the PLB series and get that next.

Becky and Wendy, your in my prayers.... Get Better Girls... This is not a competition... you know. (kidding)

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!!

Jill L.

"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I accomplish."
Well, I decided to switch and do UB today and LB tomorrow. Legs felt like they needed a rest. I actually just finished S&H shoulders, Bi, Tri and Chest. Feel great. Glad I got it in before bed. It is almost midnight so I better sign off. Thanks for the info Jill. I will do L&G tomorrow!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo[/img] [/url]

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