
Okay, I just finished a serious sweat-fest workout and I feel awesome.

I did PLB and Imax 3! I pulled a Wendy!!:p

I think I have only done Imax 3 once in my life (even though I've had it for almost 2 years). Now I remember why. It's just brutal. At least 2 has a fun factor. This one is just crazy "hardcore" - it was making me remember just how good the whole hardcore series is. Then I was realizing the 2006 un-named series is pretty awesome as well as the intensity series. Shock cardio really just can't compare. The HIITs are good but beyond that...

Anywho, the girls are at school for the day and I need to get a lot of stuff done in anticipation of my mom coming tomorrow and spending the weekend in London!

So, I'm always planning one cruise or another (it's a really bad addiction) and the one I have on my mind currently is an 11 night Canary Island/Portugal cruise next April. I'm trying to get some family members to join us and be in the "presidential family suite" which just looks AWESOME: http://lynx-travel.com/Vacations/RCI FoS May06/PresFamSuite/PresFam Main.html

We'll see.

Anyway, gotta get something to eat and get showered.

I'll try to check in a little later but have lots to accomplish today!

Keep it clean. Remember your goals. Choose joy.
Morning Angie!! Chris and I *almost* decided to go on a cruise this year but we weren't sure if we should since we were TTC. One day for sure. 11 nights sounds amazing!

I am awake and feeling good after NINE hours of sleep last night. I crawled into bed at 8 pm, took 1/2 a Unisom (yes, pg safe) and slept until 5 am. I needed it - I felt TERRIBLE yesterday - dizzy, shaky, faint. Oh, and a terrible headache! I hope I got all the yuckies out of my system before the weekend!

Weekend plans... Not sure...... Collin has tee ball tonight and then again in the morning. There is a family reunion of sorts going on this weekend about 2 hours south and I feel like I should try to go. It's 3 generations of women on my mom's side of the family. If I go, I would have to leave mid-day tomorrow and come back mid-day Sunday. I really wanna go and feel like I should, I just don't wanna push myself and then feel crappy later. It's a women-only retreat so I would have to go by myself.

What would you do?

I'm gonna take it easy this morning with a walk on the treadmill. Be back in a bit...
Angie, You just HAD to write choose joy, didn't you?:p I want to be in a bad mood - sooooo mad at M right now - but now I cant be because you wrote that!:p:p:p:p:p I really feel like a single parent sometimes.:mad::mad::mad:
I feel the same way abt the new series - nothing abt it is over-the-top wonderful. There's the whole music issue - WHY do they not pick better music? Chris says it's too expensive but Amy, Tracey, etc all have great music and I'm sure they dont have the budget that Cathe does. Poor Cathe is getting SLAMMED at VF - I feel bad for her.
THat suite looks pretty sweet!:D WOW!
Hope you have a wonderful time in London! I was there for a week in highschool - I'd love to go back someday but it won't be for decades to come I'm sure!

Better run - I have a lot to do. A good friend is coming over this morning w/ her 2yo son. TOnight we're going to M's grandma's for dinner after DDs' dance class. Will WO during Ju's nap - cardio for sure - I need the stress release!!!!!:eek:
Katie, Hey there! Sorry yday was so bad. Good luck deciding on your plans this weekend! I hope you get a good burst of energy and feel fabulous!:D
GOOD LUCK to Collin this weekend! Have a great TM time!
Katie, I wish you could just have a relaxing weekend but I understand family obligations. That will be a hard adjustment when we move back cuz we'll be 3 hours away and fam will want us there for all the bdays, holidays, etc. I will want to stay home! Hope your TM walk goes well. Glad you got such good sleep.

Kate, sorry about Mike. I can relate sometimes. For me, it's more like I feel like I do everything around the house and everyone just leaves messes for me to clean up. Ryan helps a LOT with cooking because I HATE it but he leaves EVERYTHING else up to me. Praying for a joyful spirit for you today!! (HUGS)

Gotta study!
Good Morning Girls !!

Friday! Just keep thinking ......it's FRIDAY !!!! :)

Angie, the suite looks incredible ! I hope it works out with family so you can use it !!!

Katie, I'm glad you got some really good sleep. That can make a huge difference !
If you really WANT to go to the family thing and are feeling good, I'd go......but if it's more of an obligation... you have a good reason NOT to go too. and don't feel guilty about it !!!

Kate, ugh , sorry. We all feel like that sometimes. I hope you feel better as the day goes on. I'm glad to hear your illness passed quickly yesterday.

Workout for today is undecided ......probably bike.

It's going to rain AGAIN and I am tired of it.......but I am choosing JOY !!!!! :D:D

Have a great morning !!
30 minute walk on the TM done!

Thanks for the advice, keep it coming. I am leaning towards going to the retreat - it's being held at an old farmhouse on a farm in the country. It'll be about 20 women in my mom's family - some i've never met, some I haven't seen in 15 years. Mainly I wanna do it to make my mom happy...
Yay for the workout Katie !!!! You GO !!! :)

Angie, I meant to say...........YIKES at your workout ! I agree about imax3 being HARDCORE but not really FUN . I rarely choose to do it and if I do mostly it's without the blasts. But you doing that along WITH PLB.......*the whole workout ?????* makes you an insane superwoman !!

My workout this morning was virtual cycling 2 with Brooke. Luvvvvv it !!!! :)
Good Morning Everyone!

So glad it is Friday. I have been having a fun week on FB because some of my friends from elementary school found me (I moved after 3rd grade and lost touch with them). That's always fun. This morning's workout was AOS Providence. It was a good break from all the cardio.

Wendy, wtg on the workouts! Sorry about the IC.
Clintonya, what a nice treat to have a quiet weekend ahead. Enjoy!
Angie, the suite looks wonderful. I hope everyone agrees to go.
Katie, if you are up to it, then go to the retreat, but don't push yourself.
Kate, sorry for the lack of help. Hope you can do a nice insanity to get rid of the stress.
Becky, sorry about the rain. Hope you see the sunshine soon.
Anne, sorry about MIL. I do want to hear TCB stories!
Colleen, that's funny you said that about FB !
I just found friends from elementary school too. We moved when I was 12 and I am having a ball finding friends from my childhood !!!!
They remember stories I don't remember and I remember stuff they don't. It's fun, isn't it ??
Evening ladies! 11 replies?? What is happening to us??

I'm at the ball field for a game, then home to pack and get ready to go tomorrow. We are supposed to have Bat-a-thon tomorrow but it's supposed to rain. Maybe I can get on the road a bit earlier...
Hi everybody-

Quick post, the migraine is still hanging on and looking at the computer screen does not help! Was able to get in 20 min of cardio and 10 min of kettlebells, now I need to close my eyes! Hope everyone has a good night!

We ARE super quiet today ! Is everyone busy ???

We just had chinese for dinner, in the SIP, while it was pouring. Really nice way to spend Friday night.
No other plans tonight , we are both playing on our laptops right now.:p
Dh is looking all over the internet to see if we can find a place to stay/rent in the Outer Banks sometime this summer. We have our "real" vacation planned at the end of Sept. but decided we can do a long weekend this summer. We can't wait till Sept for vacation !!! Anyone have any suggestions??

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