

Good Morning Chickas!!!

Workout done for the day :) I had to do my heavy day today, since DS13 has baseball at 8:30am tomorrow and DS10 has soccer at 12:30pm. No time to squeeze an hour long workout in tomorrow morning, and I know after sitting in the sun all morning I am not going to feel like working out! Napping maybe ;) not working out!.....though I may do a short tabata for fun if I wake up in time:p;) I am missing my jumprope and box jumps! Anyway, check out the workout below!:)

I *heart* Jordan!!!! I watched the video and wow! gotta love the guy! (plus he's funny!) he's so right about taking your time. I used that today in my workout. Even though I've been c*p'ing the 16kg from the dead position, its a whole new ball game with the long swing, so I didn't feel bad about dropping to the 14kg (30#) kettlebell today. :) It seems 2 in a row with the 16kg is my limit for now.
for your 16kg snatch:):):):). Its so easy with correct form, isn't it? It feels so weightless!!:)

How was your rest day? I took some pointers from you and rested 1 minute between rungs on the last 2 ladders before I started 7 c*p'ing. Thanks :)

waves to Jane, Marcy and Heather!
and Rhonda!!!! Hope you are still with us!:)

PS- I am really lovin' my 7:30-8am workout time,...I'm going to have a hard time next week when I go back to work!:confused:

Have a great friday everyone!:):)
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Hi All,

I didn't get a chance to workout yesterday. It was chemo day for my mom and we had to go to the hospital instead of the doctor's office. Mom was there for over 12 hours!!! I was there in the morning and then came into work at about 10am, then went back over there at 4:30. I finally got out of there at 8:30. It was a LONG day!

Today is my sister's birthday so no workout again today. We are going out to eat and then will have cake and open presents. Hope to get back on track tomorrow.

Luckily the majority of the office is in a meeting so it should be fairly quiet today. I'm trying to resist the muffins and the donuts that I brought in. I'm horrible with food when I'm tired and haven't worked out. Give me strength to resist the food!!

Hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning Kettlebellers, thanks for letting me join you!

Well I got started this morning thanks to all your input! I have the ETK book by Pavel and had bought the AOS workbook because I really wasn't clear on what to do from Pavel's book...
So this is what I did for my first Manmaker workout!...
WU: 10 halo's, R then L; 10 wall squats (wow those are way harder than they look!) and 10 pumps - just one round.
WO: 12 minutes of swings with 16kg. I did the first two rounds at 20 swings but that was too much so I went back to 15 and followed with jump rope or mountain climbers. I set the timer for 1 min and did the swings at the top of the minute and then did the other until the timer went off again. It looks so easy on paper but not so much when in the middle of it!
After: 5 rounds swing cleans 5L/5R and 3 rounds snatches 5L/5R. with the 12kg.

This morning when I got up the morning was so nice that I decided to go out for a run just because. Today I am going to plant the garden too so I think that I have done enough for today!

Deanie: Thanks so much for your descriptions, it makes it so much clearer. I really found that Pavel's book seemed to be written in code, but the pictures are worth a 1000 words! So what did you find that you didn't like in the AOS system? Or was it just too restricted? Hope you have fun at all the sporting events! My day tomorrow will be very similar with Soccer and Karate!

Gayle: Thanks for the swings tips. I think that next time I do them I will try your suggestion and not worry about the minute timer. I just got my 12kg bell (I had a 20lb and 16kg only before) and the snatches were MUCH more challenging. I am impressed that you can go for 5 min!

Melissa: Yes, it is me "Intuitive Eating" Heather LOL. I have been really bitten by the kettlebell bug. So I just watched the video that you sent and I must say that he is pretty clear! and funny! I will heed his advice and yours and stick to swings and get-ups and play around with the other stuff for now. Thanks so much for all the advice! So what is a 10-1 ladder? Each exercise 10 times repeated 1 time?

Jane and Marcy: Hope you don't mind me joining in.

HOLA AMIGAS!!! Today is a sad day... My daughter is having her... *sniff... *sniff... 13th birthday celebration... *SNIFF!!! Her real birthday is Monday, but we are partying tonight. I want to keep her home on Monday from school (they are already done with everything anyways, right? ;)) and take her out to celebrate this momentous occasion, but she is too practical. She could miss something really important, so we are going out Monday night. :)

Deanie, 2 minutes for swinging is like nothing anymore. I wonder if I could do 2 minutes straight??? Can you? I am probably going to be using the 12kg when I start cleaning and pressing, and that was way too light when I first started last time around - when I was doing it wrong! LOL.
You are lucky that tomorrow your boys have games at different times! We had all 3 in a sport last fall and we had a hard time being everywhere at once - and most of the days I was single-momming it!!! :eek:

Jane, I always have a hard time with that stuff when I don't work out. :( I am sending you BIG, STRONG will power and resistance vibes!!! Happy b-day to sis! Is mom going to be able to make it?

Heather, it is not easy AT ALL, is it? You think: it's only a couple of exercises repeated, no biggie. And then the kettlebell gods laugh at us!!!
10-1 Ladder is doing one round of all the exercises with 10 reps each, then the next round is 9, next round is 8 reps, and so forth until you finish at 1 rep for each exercise. It is friggin' hard! Especially with the exercises I chose. :p

I have a lot of cleaning to do in anticipation for the party, so I am going to run now. Workout is posted and I'll see you guys later. :D

hi again!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your sister!!!! I am also sending you ((((resisting vibes!)))) save the cake eating for your sisters party!!!:) hope all is well with your mom!

Good workout today! Yes, that's the thing about kettlebells - on paper it looks so easy/do-able; yet in the middle of the workout you think "why did I think this would be fun??!!?":confused: Here's the thing about AOS for me: once I found the simplicity of Pavel's programs, I just wasn't a fan of AOS. also, if you follow the dragon door forums you realize anthony is really good about getting the word out aobut kb's and getting them mainstream, but that's it. Also, I like that Pavels programs have goals, and Anthony's don't. I have Resolution from AOS an it's a good program, but there are no goals and not much in the way of how to progress. Also I feel his site has become less focused on kettlebells and more on pushing buying his products. .... just my opinion, :confused:

I like the workout from yesterday! 300 swings in 12 minutes Rocks!!
I'm glad to hear you say you are dropping weight for your c&p's too! My brother still doesn't get why its so hard for me now with pressing the 16 with the long swing:confused: he is totally confused, and keeps insisting its the same thing!! and made me feel bad that I had to drop in weight (not on purpose, he's a nice guy). You made me feel better :):)( I'm sending you a cyber fist bump!:)) I totally hear you about it "being too light when I was doing it wrong!!" Swinging 2 minutes is easy (we are so strong!:p) but it was a good challenge with the 20kg and my now correct backswing form :) I kept thinking "HIKE" every time I sent it back :p;)

waves to Gayle and Marcy!

Hi again!

Heather ~ Welcome to our group!!! Deanie, Gayle and Melissa have really great information and experience when it comes to kettlebells. I use kettlebells but mainly do Crossfit type workouts, running and swimming (in the summer). I can't seem to narrow my workouts down. I like lots of variety!

Melissa/Deanie ~ Mom is a real trooper. I wasn't upset for me, more for her but as she said, she is learning to be a patient, patient. We were in a room with a bed so I had a comfy place to roost. When we got home, mom took off her hat and buff and I just started laughing. I'm not used to see her without hair. She is so darn cute. We had a good laugh about it. I think she will be ok for the bday celebrations. We have an alternate plan if she is too tired to go out. Right now she is fine.

Melissa ~ Happy Birthday to Mariah!!! When we turned 13 (teenagers), my parent's took us each out to dinner. I remembered my parent's ordering wine for me but the restaurant didn't want to give it to me. My mom said, "she's our daughter for goodness sake, just give her some wine" so they did. I'll never forget that. Enjoy her passage into teen-hood!!

Hi Gayle.

Marcy - Glad to see you back here. Congrats on the headstand!!
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Melissa ~ Happy Birthday to Mariah!!! When we turned 13 (teenagers), my parent's took us each out to dinner. I remembered my parent's ordering wine for me but the restaurant didn't want to give it to me. My mom said, "she's our daughter for goodness sake, just give her some wine" so they did. I'll never forget that. Enjoy her passage into teen-hood!!
I LOVE IT!!! :D Could you imagine that happening today, though? :eek:

I am so glad to hear about your mom. You should introduce her to A-Jock! :p

I have to link this because I want to show off my trophy husband. ;) Our local news was doing a report on electrical safety so they contacted him (I think because he won Indy's Best award for computer service, I am so proud of him!!!) to do a few segments on surge protectors. He speaks nerd here, and I so love it. This is the first segment they did out of 3. He totally hams it up whenever possible and loves to be the center of attention, so having a camera on him made his day. He is waiting for Hollywood to call now. :p


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