Tell me what my dream means....


Other than I am addicted, tell me what this dream means! LOL

Cathe lives a block from my house, in the house of a high school friend of mine. She has workout machines lined up along the street at the end of her driveway. I am working out with her on these machines, and as I am using one, she squeezes my shoulder muscle and looks impressed ( it really IS a dream)! The next thing that happens is she goes into her garage and reaches in her chest freezer and brings out a bag of frozen chicken breast strips and tells me to take them with me.

WIERD! I remember hearing my alarm go off this morning but I refused to open my eyes cuz I wanted to see what else happens! LOL

It means you're getting personal training sessions from our #1 guru!! Too funny!! I've never dreamed about Cathe, but just this past Saturday night, I woke up and had been dreaming that I was a member of CSI's team (I don't remember which city). I told my husband that you know you've been watching too much of one program when you start dreaming you're in the middle of it. He said, "YOU dreamed about CSI too? I just dreamed I was in Miami working for the red-headed Caruso!" We TIVO a week's worth of CSI and watch them all on the weekend. I guess we had a little too much of it this week because we both were itching to solve a murder case in our little town of 2,500!

Maybe she was trying to get across to you to quit eating those greasy hamburgs and switch to chicken breast! :7 Tooo funny of a dream. I LOVED the machines lined along the street! Ha!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Sounds like you want everyone in the neighbor to take notice. You don't just want your friend working out with you, but everyone should join in. She also is reminding you to eat healthy so that is why she gives you the frozen chicken breast, JMHO. LOL

That is funny. Are you guilty of eating something that is really bad for you?;-)

I had a dream recently and I didn't want to wake up either because I wanted to see what was going to happen. My family and I were in the Chicago Bulls locker room and all the players were coming in from the game. I just remember seeing a very, very tall sweaty Simon Cowell (from American Idol). I couldn't figure out how he got so tall and how he got on the Bulls.

We recently went to a playoff game and we always watch American idol as a family. Too weird!

I think I'd rather be dreaming about Cathe and working out! :)

The more I think about it, the more I laugh! I can't imagine she's telling me to eat any better. I have been extremely CLEAN recently. Who knows?!?!?! But I love hearing everybody interpreting my dream! LOL


p.s. I also think with the bag of chicken breast she gave me a bag of something else, but I can't quite remember or 'see' what it was. DARN alarm clock! LOL
Could it have been a bag of . . . Doritos? No, maybe it was Fritos!! Gosh darn, wouldn't it be great if either of those were on the clean eating list!!!

Sarah-I am SURE it wasn't anything like that, but since it's MY dream, I am going to make it be a bag of Gibbles Brand BBQ chips...the Triple Family Size bag.

Honestly, though, a rather disappointing, I keep thinking it was a bag of frozen stuffed mushrooms! Of ALL things...I HATE mushrooms!

I'm struck by the image of Cathe living "in the house of a high school friend of mine". Does this dream have something to do with how you were in high school compared to how you are now? Just a thought. Sometimes in dreams, the present and past merge and we have to "mine" the dreams... take out the superfluous images and zoom in on one particular thing.

Then there's that bag of chicken strips. It's frozen. It's been in a chest freezer, which has been in a garage, an enclosed space. There's coldness, frigidity, even darkness. The act of Cathe opening the garage and the freezer, her reaching in there to give you something... well, that explains it doesn't it? It may just be a bag of chicken strips in the dream, but in real life it's more than that.

Just thinking off the top of my head.

You think that maybe she is reaching into the dark and cold to bring her confidence and courage, or whatever else was missing from her adolescence, maybe? And the reason that it is Cathe is because she is the one who created the workouts that made banslug so hot, fine and sleek?? That would be interesting.
what is your take, banslug??????
WOW! Now we're getting somewhere. I guess if I personalize this and read into it like you are saying....using the cold dark garage and a chest freezer. Now, hold on for this ride, cuz you asked for ya go...

DH passed away this past September after a 16+ month battle with leukemia. Towards the end, I began a relationship with my now BF, but very cautiously because of the past. Now, things are very smooth and going nicely, and we are talking about many changes...marriage, moving, selling one of our houses, having more kids (we each have 2), the whole nine yards. It's been a tough ride, but finally things are starting to settle down and look WONDERFUL again.

NOW....sorry if it's too much info, but going off of Pinky's take on it, that's where I'd take it!


p.s. Thanks for all the input...serious AND hilarious input!
Well, at least you had clothes on. In my dreams, I'm missing a top or pants or something, in the middle of a party or get together or in public and tugging to cover up. Can't tell you how many times I've dreamed this.

Your dream made me laugh with the machines lined up on the street. Funny how while you're in a dream it all makes sense.


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