Tell me about your routine


I'm new to this forum and I have to say I am really impressed with everything I've read so far. I am definitely planning to stick around and learn lots from you.

Forgive me if this has been asked before (if it has, will you direct me to the thread?), but I was hoping that you could tell me about your workout/eating routines. I am wondering what it is you do to look the way you do (I've enjoyed checking out those picturetrail links). Inspire me!


After children are out the door for school. My day kinda goes like this....

Oatmeal for breakfast and then 2 hours later
Protein bar
some kind of meat...chicken, roast beef, etc. and apple w/pb
workout...Day 1 might be >KPC/LG, Day 2> Challenge Circuit and Imax blast, Day 3>PUB/ride bike/run, etc.
Protein shake
tunafish and broccoli/salad
dinner: meat and green beans usually

Hi Catharine, and welcome. I don't look the way others here do, but I am in pretty good shape for a 50 year old. Many folks here do a workout rotation and you can find some designed by Cathe under the Rotation forum. I usually do whatever I feel like each day, trying to do a weight workout for each body part once or twice a week and cardio 3 or 4 times a week. I try to workout 6 days a week, for an hour to an hour and a half. You will find several daily threads where you can post your workout plan for the day and see what everyone else is doing. As far as eating, you will see people talking about eating "clean." The idea is to try to stay away from highly processed food. Think apple instead of applesauce. Applesauce instead of apple pie. There is also a daily thread called Moderately Clean eating for those of us trying to clean up our eating act. I don't know how inspiring this is, but, again, welcome.
Hi Catharine! Well, I stick pretty much to a low carb diet, although I've been known to splurge in a major way on the weekends. ;-)

I do all my weight training at a health club--primarily free weights thrown in with some machines--three times a week, two body parts each time. I do most of my cardio at home although on Sat & Sun I do the arc trainer & recumbent bike at the gym. Also I have one day a week that I dedicate to core work--usually a Cathe kickboxing workout & either Core Max or pilates.

Everything is split up b/c of time constraints. For example, I always do cardio in the morning before work (or should I say I NEVER do cardio at night?), & then some kind of muscle training after work. I work out about 10-12 hours a week. I actually did the calculations once & it turned out to be exactly 50% at home, 50% at the gym. Thank goodness for Cathe!
Thanks for your replies and warm welcome. I am looking for a little more detail as to strength & cardio workout frequency/intensity/duration and diet. How much cardio is enough? I am curious about whether most of you watch carbs/protein closely. Do you use supplements or protein shakes? I feel like you guys are as into fitness as I am and will offer some good examples.

Here’s where I am. Although I’ve been active for many years, I’ve been training more intensely for about a year and a half. Right now my routine involves weight training 3x/week for 1-1.5 hours (two day split: legs/back/biceps; chest/shoulders/triceps). I am doing five cardio workouts/week – most of which are running. I usually do a 5-7 mile run on Sundays, and then throughout the week do a mixture of different runs (HIIT, fartlek, 3 miles fast, hill runs, etc.) for 25-45 minutes each.

Thanks again.
Welcome Catharine! My routine can vary, but I do best when I follow a rotation. I don't know if you have heard about P90X but there are many threads about it if you search. I am following that rotation now with some modfication. My main cardio is running, and I am training for a couple of long distance runs coming up so I run 6 days a week. I do long runs on sunday 16-18 miles, and one or 2 speedwork runs a week trying to get in 40 miles. I do sho, bi's, tri's and chest once a week, bakc twice a week and legs 3 times a week. Yoga and Kickboxing also once a week. I use Cathe weight workouts right now...

As for my diet I have been a Vegan for about 2 years. I do have a protein smoothies every morning after my workout for recovery and breakfast!!!
my routines vary depending on what i feel like trying. lately i have been trying to get cardio done in the morning at least 40-60 mins.4-6 days a week, 30-50 mins of weights 3-4 days a week(right now doing upper and lower body splits next month i will do full body workouts)and i aim for 30-60 mins of yoga or pilates 5 days a week. abs i throw in 2-3 times a week when i can. i go heavy on upper body moderate/light on lower body but use lots of pylometrics and running to keep the legs strong but firm.

my eating habits aren't the greatest, i don't avoid carbs but i watch what i take in and read labels. i love potatoes and will not give those up b/c somebody says the carbs are bad but i will watch my bread and pasta intake(and only eat those 3 times a week). drink lots of water b/c i really don't care for anything else other then sweet tea(only drink 4 glasses a week,watch out for the sugar) or hot tea. protien at every meal, i also watch how much i eat on that b/c calories do count even if you are eating healthy stuff. veggies and fruits are either fresh or frozen unlimited amounts b/c i can fart off calories from a piece of spinach so no big whoop. i snack on fruits,nuts,raisins, and veggies.for nuts and raisins i portion out b/c high calories but great for energy boosts in the late afternoon.

my weakness is chocolate. i can eat 3 chocolate bars in one sitting and have been known to do it too. so usually a good day will be spoiled by 500 calories of sugar and chocolate. until i can be trained to hate chocolate i will always been known to go for an almond joy or peppermint pattie and nutty buddies, dangerous stuff.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Well, I have a serious cardio addiction, so I'm probably the wrong person to ask how much is enough (also I have NJ Transit buses waking me up at 5:45 am every morning, so I figure if I'm up for that extra hour, I might as well, right?). But I think I probably overdo cardio & affect muscle gain/loss--if you have low body fat I think too much cardio will result in loss of muscle mass. Not positive about this--perhaps someone more knowledgable can chime in.

Anyway, I do cardio 5-6 days a week--Sat & Sun low impact machines at the gym, & Cathe workouts before work on weekdays. My weight training split is:

Sat: back & biceps
Sun: abs, triceps & shoulders
Tues: core (core max or pilates)
One weeknight (depending on my schedule): legs & chest

Why can't you just eat a chocolate protein bar instead? I love chocolate too and that is what I do. I use to eat a 2 layered box of chocolates in one day. Not kidding!

>Why can't you just eat a chocolate protein bar instead? I love
>chocolate too and that is what I do. I use to eat a 2 layered
>box of chocolates in one day. Not kidding!

have thought of that, i was staring at them at sam's but i just didn't get them but sure 3 for $1 almond joys i am all over it like white on rice LOL.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
My routine vatries every 4 weeks. In January Februrary and March I did Cathe rotations prescribed for that month. In April I am doing one body part per day in this order.

I have also done rotation2 with circuits and cardio mixed. And rotations with endurance full body workouts alternated with cardio. I prefer to do 4-6 cardio per week.

M- Chest and a 6 mile run
T- Back and 30" intense cardio OR a leg workout, and abs
W- Shoulders and a 6 mile run
T- Biceps and abs and a Cathe cardio DVD
F- Triceps and a 6 mile run
S- legs and abs or abs and a 5 mile run
Sunday- REST

*One of my curent goals is to increase running milage with out injury.

*This month I am using a different Cathe series each week.

*I try to add in a yoga session once weekly too!

For eating I recently (last 6-7 weeks) chose to be vegetarian with no dairy or eggs. I do have occasional seafood.

I eat a protein smoothie every morning a large amount of fruits veggies and legumes, and a small amount of whole grains ( 1-2 servings per day)

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Success is acheived by early preparation
Fun to read this thread. Here's what I do for exercise. I get up every morning Mon - Sat about 4:00 am and exercise for 1.5 - 2 hours.
I do weights first on MTuW and Fri followed by cardio. I do a super cardio-only day on Th and Sat. On Sun, I only swim laps and I sleep in.
On Mon, I do Chest/Shoulders/Tris (alternating weeks between Pure Strength, Gym Style and Cross Train Express). I follow with step or kick box, generally a Cathe workout but occasionally someone else (not many can compete with her!). On Tues I do Back/Bi's and on Wed Legs. Plus I take 10 min here and there to work abs (w/Cathe of course!)
Friday is full body weights day, alternating between Gym Style (what is it called? - something Max), Power Hour, and Muscle Endurance. I also teach yoga 3 nights a week, but I really don't consider that a workout, it's for flexibility and relaxation.
For the intake side of the equation, I am currently on Weight Watchers to lose 15 lbs that sort of crept up on me. I have 5 left and it's going slow but I'm OK with that. I eat pretty "clean" but I do eat those frozen diet dinners because it's just too easy to take them with me to school and work.
This is a lot of hours, but I've been an instructor for many years and I am just used to this level of activity. I have taught high/low, body pump, advanced step, spin, you name it. Now it's just yoga. Plus I love exercise, it is not an obligation or a chore or anything like that. I cherish my early-morning Cathe time.
I was wondering how you girls find the time and motivation for all that you do? I am impressed with myself if I do a full hour of exercise in a day. You're awesome!
Hi there and welcome to our little universe!:+ Hope you enjoy your stay here!:7 ;)

I eat all day long if I can...5-6x per day...all small meals with the exception of dinner which is normally a bit larger. I strive to eat a protein with every meal and try to make all of the meals pretty healthy. Sometimes dinner is a bit on the unhealthy side since I can't TORTURE my DH with healthy stuff EVERY NIGHT (LOL) but I'm not perfect and don't try to be. I still want the "bad" and certainly DO allow myself to have moderation ofcourse!:)

My work out routine changes often. I try to do pre-set rotations- my own that I create, Cathe's, etc.-sometimes I stick to them and sometimes I don't but one thing remains the same...unless I am sick or life TRULY gets in the way, I work out 6 days per week. I like to do cardio 5-6 times per week unless I am doing a rotation that calls for less. I work my legs light because they bulk up with heavy weights. I am a fan of the freestyle way of working legs. I do not follow it all of the time and do not do it to the letter but I love it and think it works well for me. I also enjoy working 1 or 2 u/b body parts per day thoroughly w/heavy weights.

I recently acquired a gym membership where I will go about 3x per week for a change...I enjoy the spinning classes and have started running. I also use the elliptical and the regular bike there. When doing cardio at home I enjoy step, rebounding and kickboxing. At this point I am not doing much cardio at home though as I am loving the gym right now.}(

Again...this all changes because I do different rotations and they all call for different things. I am just pointing out what I enjoy most. :)

I am doing this right now.
sat- slow and heavy chest and back heavy wts 2-4 reps
sun-slow and heavy shoulders-triceps- biceps- heavy wts 2-4 reps
mon-cardio coach
tuesday- tae bo and power cut (body pump type class)
wed-plyo legs(p90 masters)
thursday- muscle max or power cut
I eat 5-6 times a day sometimes good and sometimes not so good.I do get in plenty of protein and water.
I am on a Gym Style rotation right now with cardio on off weight days.

M- KP&C (50 min)
T- GS Back, Biceps and Shoulders
TH-GS Chest and Triceps with SS leg workout thrown in
F - Janis Saffel's Strike Zone (50 minutes)
S - Low Max (50 min)
S - GS Legs and Core Max abs

I eat six small meals a day. Protein makes up about 40% of my calorie intake with approx 25 - 30% fat (mostly almonds). My carbs are mostly from veggies and fruit but I also have a pretzel or two or add croutons to my salad.

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