Tchersue/sheila or anyone...HELP!!!


i'm just past 6 weeks post-partum and I need to return to teaching because I'm not going back to my full-time job. I start this week with a variety of classes that I can modify for my own safety (body pump, step and a circuit style class). Any suggestions or precautions I could/should take besides going light on weights, taking it easy while stepping (no power or propulsion moves) and pretty much verbally instructing the circuit class?

In general, I feel great and I have been doing gentle scar tissue massage and modified abdominal work to "start back" into regular ab work.

Any other precautionary measures I should take? You can even e-mail me at my personal e-mail: [email protected]

Thanks! jeni
Hi Jeni,

Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Don't forget about doing your kegels.

Keep us posted.


Sheila S. Watkins,MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Mom(R) Fitness
haven't been here lately...

... sorry to miss your post! How has it gone?

I've been pleasantly surprised at how quickly my abs strengthened up again post-c-section... has that been your experience? I do weight machines for abs as well as pilates and crunches on the stability ball... also, I've started doing a pilates-inspired move with the ball wherein you put the ball in between your legs while lying on your back and then do big circles. It really seems to be strengthening my lower abs.

I'm still in my weight-loss plateau... lost the 38 pregnancy pounds months ago, but the 20 I gained before I got pregnant are still holding on. My husband is doing the man-diet thing right now (you know the one... where they eat nothing all day until dinner... the one that would shut down a woman's metabolism in no -time-flat? LOL), so that is inspiring me to cut down on my portions a bit and to forget about the Halloween candy(I can't do his version of dieting... actually I don't diet well at all!). If that and the exercise doesn't do it, I'll have to assume that nursing is the culprit, and I'll just keep doing what I'm doing until next year some time when we wean!

Let us know how you are doing!!
Susan -- the "man" diet...

Hi Susan!

I don't often post here since my babies are 13 and almost 16, but I HAD to tell you how funny the "man" diet is. Oh girl, are you ever correct! My husband's tried and true diet is just to omit fries from his order. :) The pounds come rolling off. Oh, to have a guy's metabolism for two weeks!!! Kathy S.

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