Taking time off

Tricia Haley

Hi all, i posted a message for Cathe about this and she must be extremely busy cause she hasnt answered so i thought i would ask the advice of the Educated crowd!

When do you guys take a break like say a week off from workouts? or do you? It seems to me that when i work out for a period of time i get a sinus infection. I dont feel that my body needs a break i just seem to get stuffy and then it turns into a sinus problem. My goal has been to workout 12 weeks -4 to 5 times a week then take a week off. The week off being my pat on the back, but i have never made it to 12 weeks before i have to take time off because of sinus stuff. So i was just curious what everyone else was doing as far as taking time off. I also thought of even taking more frequent breaks say 1 week a month to see if i could stay one step ahead of my nose.HEE HEE:+ One more ? when pushing your body towards going longer and harder in your cardio whats a rule of thumb you try to do that has helped in gaining greater endurance. Some of Cathes workouts i wonder if i will ever be able to complete them. :7 :7 :7

Thanks again for all your great advice and i look forward to hearing from you. Tricia
I usually take a week off once a year, consistent with when the pool where I teach aqua closes down for annual supermaintenance in the summertime. That does give me a chance to rest everything up, including body AND brain, and although I puff and pant a little bit harder when I return to my normal routine, I do feel refreshed.

The decision of when to take a week off certainly is specific to the individual exerciser, especially if one tends to develop symptoms of a chronic ailment. Do what YOU think is appropriate, as long as you know that you'll return to a consistent schedule.

The Power Of One
What Cathe said back in the day..

Hi Tricia... I'm not sure if a post just like this is out there or not, but I thought I would chime in. I don't really post on the boards too often (like I used to), but I do remember asking a very similar question about 3 years ago, and Cathe did post a reply that I still remember & use often!
I've been working out with Cathe for about 5 years now, and I noticed that right around the change of seasons, winter-to-spring, and summer-to-fall, I would get REAL tired of working out. I just had zero motivation, and I also started to have a real problem with my allergies, and sinus problems, so I can totally relate to your being sick & feeling like you start the whole process over again..
Anyway, Cathe said that feeling of being unmotivated around the change of seasons is VERY common for whatever reason, and that many people get it. She also said that when you get sick, you need to stop & take a break & give your body time to get over it (basically it's the old "listen to your body" thing). She said to take 2 weeks off completely. During the first week, not to work out at all & not to think about it, just take the time. During the second week, especially towards the end of it, make a new rotation plan, or whatever might help you to get back in the swing.
I can tell you that I have followed her advice for about 3 years now and it works like a charm for me. Although 4 weeks might seem like a lot of time off during the year, I see it as 11 months of working out that my body benefits from, and for the most part, I don't get sick anymore or run down. I just know that right about the same time I refill my prescription for Zyrtec that I will be getting ready for a 2 week break.

I'm not sure if that helps or not... but it defintely helped me.

Good luck!
Hi Tricia! I too suffer from sinus infections. What has helped me is I absolutely have to stay away from sugar & not too much milk. I also only now do 2x a week of cardio but making the cardio intense (IMAX2, Circuit Max or Bootcamp) & the other one a kickboxing cardio. Other days are spent w/strength training. This has helped me tremendously. When the infection does flare up though, I practically RUN to the doctor to get my meds so that in a few days I'm back to working out. If the infection is really bad w/sore throat, swollen glands & a lot of body aches I just REST for a couple of days until I'm feeling better. As far as taking time off, I only take off a week when I'm sick or on vacation. I just took a week off in February. Its anybody's guess when I'll take off again!! HTH, Kathy;)
RE: What Cathe said back in the day..

I'm just the opposite of Elyse... I tend to get tired and burnt out mack dab in the middle of seasons. Right in the middle of winter (January/February) and in the middle of the summer (about mid-July). The change of season actually peaks a new interesting in exercise to me (probably because in the this area, those transitional periods are the most pleasant). I think it's tremendously important to take breaks. I have a hard time listening to my body, so I have paid for it. Every time my body starts to get run down and tired, I end up getting injured. I push myself too harder, because I don't accept that my body wants to lay low for a little while. For some people, 3 days a year is a long break, for others, a week every 3 months is necessary. Just do what you feel is right. It's much much much better to take voluntary breaks now and again than be forced to sit on your butt for 2 months because of an injury x( I feel very strongly about this now that I'm struggling to get back into a routine after my latest injury.

Take Care and Be careful! and rest well :)

BIG HUGS AND THANKS for your info! I have made copies and am going to try everyones advice!:7 I have been making folders of some great info i recieve and that others have recieved which i feel will benefit me also! Thanks again you have given me some great advice:7 :7 :7 Tricia

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