Taking a MT school break


Howdy Hi everyone,
Just taking a short break from my schoolwork. I started schooling to be an Medical Transcriber in December. I have one more chapter to go in my 900 page medical book, then its abbreviations, 7 tests and then off to practice dictation before taking THE TEST!
Somehow, I have managed to keep exercising amid the chaos of school and a slow transition from our family business being a partnership to a corporation.

I find it best to utilize my exercise time with something that will get the most bang out of the buck; so to speak. LOl. So the workouts have been the IS, BB and CTX series with some Yoga and Pilates thrown in. At least once a month I've did Slow Heavy as it definately has its place with me and CST, Back Biceps and Abs from the Pure Strength series. I'm not up to my usual frequency of workouts as it so very very hard to get up any earlier than 8:30 am when you don't get to sleep before 1 am. Ah....night school..... I usually would do a cardio in the morning and something else in the afternoon. It is difficult to put two workouts back to back in the afternoon on a full time basis, for me anyways. But I am proud to say, I have done very very well of staying away from the white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake at Applebees. If you've ever tried it, you know how goooooodd that is. LOL Chester Cheetah hasn't been so lucky. Hahaha

I sprained my ankle while tripping over my step box, but hey, what is life without a little pain?....(I say this with dry humor.) I hobbled around a couple of days, did the RICE thing and then started working around it.

I checked in here a while back, just long enough to pre-order the new advanced DVD and the Slow Heavy DVD because my videos got funny lines running through them. Gotta have the new DVD. Sounds like it will be like another Boot Camp or a Cardio & Weights. ??? I have had very mixed emotions about the entire intermediate series. I have so very very many Intermediate videos that I never ever use...but then again...this is Cathe, right? I possibly will break down and buy them after the reviews; for sure when I start making gazillions of dollars doing medical dictation. ( I'm a dreamer)

Just thought I'd pop in and say to hi to all of you and let you know that I haven't dropped off the planet yet. AND.....if there are any MT's on board who have taken the MT test...and survived.... would you mind sharing with me just what in the world do you get tested on? ;-)
Is it terms, spelling, dictation, typing...???? I can't find anyone who seems to know? In my schooling, it is a 'wait and see when we get there' type thing. I always wanted to know it when I got there. }(

Better get back to medical terms. Phychiatry is last. I wonder if that is on purpose? LOL

BTW, I found a new purpose for flies in the grids of florescent lights. A friend came over to exercise with me, and she was really spent after the class. We both were laying down on the floor and looking at all the flies that had accumulated in the grids. We just kept staring at them...and after awhile, they resembled birds.
So after a class, turn on a light fan to have a gentle breeze, think tropical and rub on the new Lime fragranced lotion from Bath and Body shop, look up at your grid with flies (if you have them... I will give you some if you don't) and lay on your back and look at the birds. Hey, it beats cleaning those lights, right? LOL

Happy workouts to all of you.
Hi Wanda - - congratulations on going back to school. I too went back to school (local community college, 1-1/2 year program) after having my second child and am now a self-employed medical transcriptionist. I love it! Definitely one of the best decisions I ever made. Oh, and for future reference, you really shouldn't refer to yourself as a medical "transcriber" as that's the machine we use to transcribe the dictation. Some transcriptionists get quite offended by being called a transcriber ;-)

Good luck on your big test!

Thanks for the heads up Karri. I certainly don't want to be identifiable with a machine. LOL
How are you set up equipment wise in your office? Do you use Wave files, tape player, C-phone or all of the above? My schooling is training me for Wave files but suggests I be adaptable when applying for jobs. What do you find that your clients use the most?

My internet service is offering me a free 800 number and an option to go wireless internet. Do you know any of the pros and cons with going wireless?

If you are downloading files, do you use Windows 98 or Windows XP? I was told by someone that hospitals are now using XP, if that is the case, I will have to get new computer, as my personal one is Windows 98 with no option to upgrade as it holds ancient farm files. I guess I should probably have a separate computer for my business. They have some real neat ones with the Flat screen moniters don't they?

My I have tons of questions for someone who isn't out of training yet? LOL Thanks again for your reply. Now I know I won't be a transciber but a transciptionist. That has a nicer ring to it doesn't it?
Hey GF!!!

Great to "see" you!!! And, if anyone here knows you, they know you ARE a machine! Ha! Good for you on getting in the workouts even if you have had to cut back a bit. Sounds to me like you are doing a tremendous job! I feel really bad as I forgot to yell "Hello" here to everyone from you. Fogive me??? Good Luck with that last chapter. Wow, you are movin' along. Keep up the great job and let us know when you are ready to test so we can wish you the BEST of Luck! HUGS 2 U!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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